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Author Topic: Quotes from foreign "Family Feud"  (Read 1675 times)


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Quotes from foreign "Family Feud"
« on: August 20, 2004, 10:27:34 AM »
Here are some quotes I can come up with:

"Aparace...!" - 100 Colombianos Dicen & 100 Mexicanos Dijeron (means "Show me...")
"Muestreme...!" - see above two shows (means the same thing)
"La Encuesta Dice!" - see above two shows (means "Survey said!")
"SI SE PUEDE!" - see above two shows (audience chants this when close to 200 points in Dinero Rapido for a big win)
"SI SENOR!!!!!!" - see above two shows (means a family wins the round or Dinero Rapido [100,000 pesos on Mexican version, often 200,000 in the second half, 250,000 pesos on Colombian version in first half, 5,000,000 in second)
"Biiiiiiiiiiig Money!!" - Family Fortunes (spoken by Max Bygraves)
"If the answer's up there, I'll give you the money meself." - see above show (spoken by Les Dennis)

And two I think used...
"Pregunta bueno!" - 100 Colombianos Dicen & 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
"That's a good answer!" - Australian Family Feud & Family Fortunes