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Author Topic: SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"  (Read 3351 times)


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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« on: September 10, 2004, 08:01:22 PM »
Here's some sounds that may have been used on other game shows:

On the Cover:

The chime when you give a correct answer in the first round and bonus round: Used on "Trivial Pursuit" when a correct answer is made, I think.

The double-buzz when you give an incorrect answer in said rounds: Used on "Wheel of Fortune" when you lose the bonus puzzle.

The ring-in sound: I'm not sure. "Trivial Pursuit", maybe?

The three-note kiddie-piano tune when time's up in answering a question: Not sure.

The synth-hit used when time runs out for a round: Used on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire".


The chime when a category is revealed: Sounds like a low-pitched version of the synthesized harp sound when a round is introduced on "Tokic" in South Korea.

The ding when a decision is made on wager/celebrity, or when time's on the clock: It's really the "Family Feud" ding, but in F-sharp instead of G. Could've been used on later episodes of the Aussie Wheel of Fortune from the John Burgess era.

The whoosh when a celebrity's answer is revealed: Used on "Card Sharks" (2001 version) when a card flips over in the main game.

The chime when adding scores: Same chime for adding scores on "Hollywood Squares" (1998-2004 version), but in F-sharp instead of G.

The buzzer when time runs out in part one of the big "Balderdash Barrage": Used on "To Tell the Truth" (2000 version), "Card Sharks" (2001 version), and "Hollywood Squares" (1998 version, used from 2001-2004).

The laser zap when a prize is shown: Used as a "Secret Square" reveal sound on Hollywood Squares (1998 version, used until the 2002 season).

That's all I can come up with.


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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2004, 08:33:03 PM »
And you wasted bandwidth to tell us that??


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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2004, 08:52:18 PM »
What's with all the cynicism?  I seem to remember a day when such "little detail posts" were appreciated.



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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2004, 10:51:44 PM »
[quote name=\'gshowguy\' date=\'Sep 10 2004, 07:01 PM\'] The chime when adding scores: Same chime for adding scores on "Hollywood Squares" (1998-2004 version), but in F-sharp instead of G. [/quote]
 That same F# chime was also heard on...

Password (black & white episodes)

Jeopardy! (Art Fleming; buzz in)

Jackpot (all versions)

The Match Game (NBC version when matches were made; the SHIP'S BELL was heard for victories/Telephone Round winners)

Good observation.


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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2004, 11:44:40 PM »
GSWitch, just one question, though. Did the Aussie WoF actually use the Balderdash "Ding!" at one point?


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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2004, 08:12:12 AM »
[quote name=\'gshowguy\' date=\'Sep 10 2004, 10:44 PM\'] GSWitch, just one question, though. Did the Aussie WoF actually use the Balderdash "Ding!" at one point? [/quote]

Hmmmm, let's see, two shows from two different companies, on two different countries, on two different hemispheres, that likely don't know the other show  even exists...

What the hell do you think?

Oh, geez, I take that back. You might answer, and truly, no one cares.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2004, 08:13:30 AM by tvwxman »


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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SFX from "On the Cover" and "Balderdash"
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2004, 03:13:06 PM »
Hmmmm, let's see, two shows from two different companies, on two different countries, on two different hemispheres, that likely don't know the other show even exists...

What the hell do you think?

Oh, geez, I take that back. You might answer, and truly, no one cares.

Obviously, you've never heard of the Super Secret Game Show Sound Effects Exchange.  :-)   Try saying that fast about eight times over!!
