Well, we scored Familly Feud tickets. Looks like we're going October 16th. Unfortunatly, Wheel is not t aping the week/end we are there. Damn the luck...we missed seeing them tape at Disneyworld one time ten years ago, and now we'll mis them in LA.
Word is still out on Jeapordy, havn't checked yet. And it looks like we'll hopefully be seeing Price is Right and Tonight Show with Jay Leno I'm a Letterman fan, but dad wants to see Leno, since he's hosting the NECA show, so we're going if they send us tickets in time

Any tips for seeing these shows, or will we be given directions apon getting there? I know when we went to see Letterman in 1995, we where given tickets, stamped with a number, and where free to roam New York for 2 hours untill taping. Don't know if that will be the same for these 4 shows...
Anyone ever attend a taping that can give some advice?