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Author Topic: WWTBAM auditions in NY, online registration  (Read 3387 times)


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WWTBAM auditions in NY, online registration
« on: July 17, 2003, 06:09:16 PM »
Has anyone here tried to register for the summer auditions for
Millionaire with Meredith Vieira, using the online form at Millionaire
TV's website?  It's a standard fill-in-the-blanks \"POST\" operation
type page, and you provide your basic info (including Email address)
prior to selecting two preferred dates and clicking the \"Submit\"
button.  According to the Website, you should receive an Email
confirmation of the available day in short order.   I've done this
twice and haven't received a confirmation Email.  My situation is
complicated b/c I also auditioned last summer in NYC.  

I passed the written test and the audition went pretty well, but
after that things are ambiguous.  The coordinators never mentioned
anything one way or the other about a postcard, and I don't recall
any of the auditioners being specifically told whether they were in
the Contestant Pool or not; it just wasn't laid out to us.  The
Millionaire TV Website does mention that we don't need to audition
if we're already in the pool, but AFAIK there's no way to ascertain that.  
So I don't know if the non-response following the online form is b/c
(1) the dates I picked were already filled up (even though they
remained up there for a while afterward as possible choices), or
(2) I'm already in the pool and so there's no need to audition again, or
(3) technical problems with the online registration form.  Has anyone
else tried to register like this, and had a similar experience?  
Thx for any suggestions.    

Clay Zambo

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  • Posts: 2075
WWTBAM auditions in NY, online registration
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2003, 10:31:34 PM »
I submitted from that same online form, and received an invitation to audition.  I did so on Monday of this week (my first choice)--passed the test, had a nice chat with a producer, took my souvenir pencil and went home.  Was told that I'd receive a postcard within 2-4 weeks saying yea or nay.

Oddly enough, I received an invitation to audition next Monday as well (on my second-choice date).

No clue what your experience suggests, sorry.


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  • Posts: 484
WWTBAM auditions in NY, online registration
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2003, 11:32:25 PM »
You will not receive a confirm in short order.  I received a confirm email four days before, others I know have received it six days before.  They do not send an auto confirm either after you signed up on the Web site.
