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Author Topic: Jokers Wild  (Read 3205 times)


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Jokers Wild
« on: September 26, 2004, 10:55:37 PM »
Recorded this for a friend, figured might as well post it!




Craig Karlberg

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Jokers Wild
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2004, 04:52:43 AM »
I recognized that clip John.  It was an infomercial promoting the Phillips CD-I Player back in the early 1990's.  IIRC, it was suppose to be the most technological interactive player out there.  However, sales were basically flat & the CD-I fornat really didn't take off very well.  At least it was fun when I used it at a community college several years ago.


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Jokers Wild
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2004, 09:04:34 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'Sep 27 2004, 03:52 AM\'] I recognized that clip John.  It was an infomercial promoting the Phillips CD-I Player back in the early 1990's.  IIRC, it was suppose to be the most technological interactive player out there.  However, sales were basically flat & the CD-I fornat really didn't take off very well.  At least it was fun when I used it at a community college several years ago. [/quote]
 Matt Ottinger put it best when he said the school he works for brought Phillips CD-I in and about the only time it was used was to play the game show software that came out for it.


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Jokers Wild
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2004, 03:24:02 PM »
Kind of OT, but I remember an old Informercial about the CD-i system. The most familiar I remember is this kid accidentally erasing the memory off a computer, then this guy comes with a CD-i and they start playing Jeopardy!.

and I think there was a "competitor" which basically was a repairman who was lazy and always never got to the tech problems before the CD-i guy did.

(I find it kind of funny that I'd remember THAT.)
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