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Author Topic: Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?  (Read 13066 times)


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #60 on: September 03, 2004, 06:14:02 PM »
Hey girl!

You have nothing to hope for; you're IN, I'm telling ya!  :)  Just a matter or time.

As for your assessment of interviewers and the process, I agree.  While I DO think there are some general standards that the producers want them to use, whether or not you FIT those standards is very subjective.  And it is sort of the luck of the draw; my interviewer was straight but oh-so-gay-friendly.  If I'm being brutally honest, he was really cute, so that made me smile a lot, and because of it we had some real chemistry.  Plus, I swear he was flirting with me (yes, it is possible to be straight and flirt....they're called "teases."...LOL).  This also made me smile a lot (OK, so I'm a sucker for cute, clean-cut, hetero boys in positions of power).

All this to say: I could have easily gotten the heavyset, not-as-cute guy to his left, and who knows if I would have gotten the good postcard or not.  I'd like to think so, but who knows?  As long as they let you audition again, that's why I'd encourage anyone who passes the written test but fails the interview to try again, as you'd likely interview with someone new, and who knows how your RAPPORT (spelled right, thank you) would be?  You'd have nowhere to go but UP.

On a completely unrelated note (and maybe i should put this in a new topic; yell at me, mods, if you must), I've been IM-ed by MillionaireIM at least 15 times, and the contestants all appear to be using the ATA lifeline at about the $500 to $2,000 area; the questions coming my way have not been hard (ie: "Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen played Michelle Tanner on what sitcom?"  Girl, Puhhhhleaze. [Full House, for those not 'in-the-know']).  Hopefully, the questions will be like that when I'm on!  :)   To be so lucky!



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2004, 02:44:52 PM »
What is the rough time of day that they do tapings?  I got around to adding the IM buddy but now that I start teaching I fear that I won't get to play much as it's during class time.

Ryan :)

Speedy G

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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2004, 06:04:10 PM »
[quote name=\'vtown7\' date=\'Sep 4 2004, 01:44 PM\']What is the rough time of day that they do tapings?  I got around to adding the IM buddy but now that I start teaching I fear that I won't get to play much as it's during class time.

Ryan :)[/quote]
So far, MillionaireIM has been saying that they tape from 2-6 PM Eastern time.  Don't know if it would tell you on signups, but they've consistently stated their taping times when sending back answers.
Solar-powered flashlight, hour 4 of the Today show, the Purple Parrots.  *rips open envelope, blows into it*


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #63 on: September 05, 2004, 06:36:19 PM »
Hey Brent -

Once again you made me smile and feel good with all your enthusiastic support. Thank you! :) However... after being on the Pyramid contestant list for so long and not making it onto the show, I am not going to count my Millionaire chickens until they are fully hatched. :)

That being said, I do think I have a good chance, and it's certainly nice to get your vote of confidence.

In the meantime, I hope they call you soon so I can live vicariously through your success! :)



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #64 on: September 07, 2004, 12:39:50 PM »
And I guess the spam trap at work caught "WWTBAM"'s E-mail verifications, since I did get a ticket for next Friday Sept. 17 over the weekend for the early taping.

For the early taping, they ask that you show up at 12:15 p.m. if you want to be interviewed to be a contestant, 1 p.m. if you don't.  If there's anyone who's been in the audience before for Meredith, what time do people usually line up?--I'd like to spend some time in Central Park before having to get in the line that day.


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #65 on: September 11, 2004, 05:15:32 PM »
So, the title of this thread is: 'anyone hear from 'Millionaire?'   I also said I would update when I heard from them.   I now have heard from them, but there is more to the story than you might think.  :)

As most of you know, I got my 'good' postcard about 3 weeks ago, and made it into the Contestant Pool.  Like almost anyone else who's made it into the pool, everytime the phone rings now, I jump.  LOL.  

So, I'm on the phone with my Mom, chit-chatting, and I get a call-waiting beep.  I look down on my phone and see that the Caller ID says "unavailable."  I say to myself "hmmmmmmm..." as it's my cell phone, and since I don't get telemarketers on it, I think PERHAPS it could be "them" calling, since they're likely in a big building conglomeration-type deal, where the number would be unavailable.  I click over and the voice on the other end says:

"Hello, Brent?"  (I say "Yes?")  "Hey Brent, this is Cort from "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"!  At this point I go into 'valley girl' mode and I'm like "OH my God...holy cow, ....um, can you just hold on real quick while I get my Mom off the other end of the line?"  He says 'sure', so I click over to Mom and say real quick, "MOM, It's WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE...I'll talk to you later, bye."  She says "Oh my God, bye!"

So I click back over to the Millionaire guy.  And in what probably is the biggest Homer-Simpson-DOH! moment of my entire life, he says to me: "Hey Brent, I'm just calling to confirm your tickets for the audience on September 14th."  (At the time I am writing this, i am literally giggling over what a big moron I was...it's OK...I am holding the big LOSER sign on my forehead while typing this one-handed...LOL)

You see, as many of you will recall, I had said that because many of us hadn't received confirmations over the internet, that i would just go be in the audience and that way I could be assured of taking the test.  I HAD SIGNED UP before I left for NYC (and before I passed the test and got in the pool).  Obviously I had forgotten about the tickets.  So as he says this, it dawns on Brilliant Brent that in fact this is not The Call...it's 'a call.'   ;)  

So I say to him, "Oh my god, I'm sorry for acting like such a big goober, but I thought you were the contestant coordinator calling because I had come to NYC and taken the test."  He says, "ah well, man, they're going to send you a postcard for that."  And I interject "Dude, I've already GOT the postcard..I made it..it said congratulations, you're in the pool, yada, yada, yada..."  

He was surprised at this, and was like "really?' and I'm like "yeah!"  He said "ah man, I'm sorry..I didn't know...don't worry about it; just hang tight, man; they'll probably call you sooner than later."  ;)  (YES, people, I realize he is probably just an intern and is blowing smoke up my ass and has no idea when i'll be called, but it still made me feel better...LOL).

So he says sorry for the false alarm, but just hang tight and asks me about the audience; I politely decline, citing I can't make it back to NYC again.  He's cool with that, and that's the end of the call.  

Let me tell you that I have never experienced a bigger "DOH!" moment in my life.   ROFLMAO!!!!!!  I actually wasn't disappointed (since I had but 5 seconds to think this was THE CALL before he quashed it.)   :)    I tell you: the bigger idiot moment was calling Mom back to explain what happened...how i signed up for the audience WAY back when...yada, yada, yada.

So, I will continue to wait, and it will likely come when I'm not expecting it.  ;)  I did think it was a funny enough story (at my expense, no less) that i would relate it to you all.

Till The Call comes in,
« Last Edit: September 11, 2004, 05:49:18 PM by BrentW »


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2004, 03:34:54 PM »
Thanks for sharing, Brent. Your story did indeed give me a smile. :

I hope you get the "real" call real soon!



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #67 on: September 15, 2004, 03:35:58 PM »
Woo-Hoo Brent, congrats on getting the PC.  Now is time for the next step, the phone call.  I taped on the 7th and it was fun.  They told me my show was going to air on 10/4.

If you have any questions regarding the process feel free to email me a takinover@go.com.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 03:36:26 PM by takinover »


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #68 on: September 17, 2004, 10:35:58 PM »
Hey all........ I tried out for the celebrity scoop edition in mid August, i Believe the 16th and still haven't heard either way.  Getting frustrated!  Anyone else have to wait this long?

Steve McClellan

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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2004, 12:26:34 AM »
I know someone else who passed the Celebrity Scoop test, and she hasn't received a postcard either. My guess is they're waiting until after the last two audition days (Sept. 27 and 28, if memory serves).


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2004, 07:32:12 PM »
Somone on the Millionaire bored reported getting a call for Celebrity Scoop today (Oct. 4th).


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2004, 11:28:42 PM »
Forgot to mention the other day... got my postcard, apparently i do not want to be a millionaire.  I was rejected.  Oh well, always next year.  I think the interviewi didn't go over well.  It was all of about a minute bewteen learnijng I passed the test and getting interviewed and I felt liike I was just babbling to the guy.  Curuious to watch the shows when they air to see how i would have possibly done.