I can vouch for Whew! being difficult to host, when I did my own version about a year and a half ago.
There were a lot of rules to remember, and while I went thru the reading of the bloopers at a good clip, my biggest fear would be pull cards getting stuck or stumbling too much over the reading of the bloopers. Thankfully nothing like that happened, but there were some necessary edits here and there for other things.
Putting the show together was a lot of work too, renting the room, gathering several people with free schedules, and making sure I had enough bloopers for 2 full games and 2 Gauntlets.
I pretty much decided, in terms of my hosting style, that I wasn't going to try to emulate Tom Kennedy. Sure, I recited some of the rules the same way he did, but other than that I was trying to make Whew! my own show, while maintaining the same "feel" of the original.