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Author Topic: Game Show Network  (Read 14131 times)


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Game Show Network
« on: October 21, 2004, 11:30:39 PM »
Just got word that in a few months, ill be finally getting digital cable. Finally after so many years of hearing people talk about GSN on here and the old atgs, i finally get to see it regularly. I just looked at the schedule at www.gsn.com...all my excitement of wanting gsn all these years is now gone. The big hoopla about having the 70s HS...gone, TPIR...long gone, Pyramid... gone, even one of the shows that is owned by sony... WOF....gone. No TTTT; no TattleTales.... did they loose all connection with G-T except for 3 or 4 games? Even Bob Stewart shows are few and far between if any. I know years ago when they lost G-T shows, it was considered the Dark Period... this is much worse. Yes some of the new shows are not too bad, but where is the raft of game shows they had before. Not even password is on the schedule. Wish there was a way to bring  something back atleast. Even if it was just for TPIR, id watch more, but i mean ..... im sorry but in my open onion WOF is far more exciting than J!

Not impressed GSN.

If only TVLand had a game show channel.

Where have all the flowers gone,
Long time passing.



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« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2004, 05:02:22 AM »
A Naturally Stoned game show host named Chuck.  Opposite of "Right."  Spinning Object.  Dissect that if you can.

But seriously, GSN pretty much branched out of being a Round-the-clock game show channel and is now known as "GSN:  The Network for Games," putting emphasis on all types of games.
In loving memory of my father, Curtis Fenner 4/29/44-8/13/15


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« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2004, 07:45:19 AM »
did they loose all connection with G-T except for 3 or 4 games? Even Bob Stewart shows are few and far between if any. I know years ago when they lost G-T shows, it was considered the Dark Period

No Stewart shows on GSN since $100K Pyramid left the air in June. They air only Feud(one Dawson, one Combs episode) and MG(one each of 1990-91, 1973, 1976, Syndie 79-80, and PM) among GT shows during the day, two black and white shows from 3-4AM EST each night, and a 90 min block of Perry CS, Eubanks CS, and Blockbusters on weekends.


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« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2004, 08:21:02 AM »
They air only Feud(one Dawson, one Combs episode) and MG(one each of 1990-91, 1973, 1976, Syndie 79-80, and PM) among GT shows during the day, two black and white shows from 3-4AM EST each night, and a 90 min block of Perry CS, Eubanks CS, and Blockbusters on weekends.
Which makes seven G-T shows (eight, if you count Perry and Eubanks CS separately) and 25% of all the programming hours. Sounds like a decent representation of the G-T library to me. I know some G-T fans might want 100% of the programming hours, but fans of other shows might want a little time, too.

If only TVLand had a game show channel.
Bingo, as Frank Drebin once said. No other network in this country's TV universe shows decades-old game shows for grownups. There's a reason for that. It's called Nielsen Media Research.

Instead of complaining about GSN, you might want to watch the dozens of hours of classic game shows on the network each week. Because you sure aren't going to see twenty, thirty, forty, fifty-year-old game shows for non-kids anywhere else.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2004, 08:34:00 AM by CaseyAbell »

Ian Wallis

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« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2004, 09:07:59 AM »
Which makes seven G-T shows (eight, if you count Perry and Eubanks CS separately) and 25% of all the programming hours. Sounds like a decent representation of the G-T library to me. I know some G-T fans might want 100% of the programming hours, but fans of other shows might want a little time, too.

When GSN first went on the air, they were probably 75% G-T shows.  While I'm grateful that they still run the amount of game shows they do (even if it does pale in comparison to when they first went on the air), right now I'd settle for even *one* Barry-Enright show.  Nothing from them has been seen in over three years.
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Jimmy Owen

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« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2004, 09:16:09 AM »
I'd stick around.  When some of the fad shows start to fade, GSN will have to plug the holes with something and I would bet the tried and true library programming will come back.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2004, 09:42:31 AM »
...right now I'd settle for even *one* Barry-Enright show. Nothing from them has been seen in over three years.
This is the famous matter of taste, about which there is no arguing. I don't like any of the B&E quizzers - TJW, TTD, Bullseye - so I don't care if they're not on the network. I would like to see Scrabble and IGaS on the network, but you can't always get what you want. There are certainly plenty of game shows on GSN that I like to watch.

When some of the fad shows start to fade, GSN will have to plug the holes with something and I would bet the tried and true library programming will come back.
I've seen many versions of this complaint here and on the GSN board. It strikes me as really odd. Haven't you noticed that you've gotten your wish? The reality series and trashdateries (or whatever the Prof calls 'em) are all gone. The network is now about 90% game shows.

Many of those shows have serious age on them: MG, Feud, CS, Blockbusters, PYL, Love Connection, Name's the Same, WML, BtC. Others are younger but certainly no spring chickens: Newlywed Game, Jeopardy, WBSM, WL, Millionaire, Greed. The tried and true library programming looks to be back big time to me. In fact, the only non-GS offerings anywhere on the network are a sports/stunt show, a talent contest, and a rehash of Candid Camera.

Why not celebrate? You've gotten what you wanted. I hate to dump on the Prof right now because of his family problems, but he's the most obvious of the pay-no-attention-to-that-schedule-in-front-of-your-eyes folks. For some reason - well, the reason is Boden's departure - he continues to pretend that GSN is going away from game shows when they hardly show anything else.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2004, 09:54:22 AM by CaseyAbell »


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« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2004, 11:25:48 AM »
[quote name=\'Statboy\' date=\'Oct 22 2004, 08:42 AM\']I've seen many versions of this complaint here and on the GSN board. It strikes me as really odd. Haven't you noticed that you've gotten your wish? The reality series and trashdateries (or whatever the Prof calls 'em) are all gone. The network is now about 90% game shows.
[quote name=\'Guide_Angel\']Instead of complaining about GSN, you might want to watch the dozens of hours of classic game shows on the network each week. Because you sure aren't going to see twenty, thirty, forty, fifty-year-old game shows for non-kids anywhere else.[/quote]
This is the famous matter of taste, about which there is no arguing. I don't like any of the B&E quizzers - TJW, TTD, Bullseye - so I don't care if they're not on the network.
People should be able to express their opinions without  you dumping f****** statistics down our throats every time.

Of course, you're the #1 GSN kissa**, so your usual defense of them doesn't come as a surprise.  Did it EVER occur to you people might not like whats on GSN?  You don't like Tic Tac Dough or Bullseye. Big damn deal.  Some people probably don't care for "Press Your Luck" or "Card Sharks".  No one throws criticism your way for not liking B/E shows; you shouldn't throw critcsm at others for not liking GSN.  But your views come from the interior of your posterior; so this post probably doesn't make much of a difference.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2004, 11:49:22 AM by Dsmith »
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2004, 11:29:33 AM »
Why use asterisks? Your post would look just as intelligent without them.

I know you have trouble with numbers over two. But 25% and 90% are actually less than one, so even you should be able to handle them. I guess "dozens" is too much for you. It means "groups of twelve." As for "twenty," "thirty," "forty," and "fifty," well, I realize those are way out of your range of understanding. Sorry.

Been married for eighteen years. Don't date. I doubt that you do, either.

Oops, "eighteen" is pretty hard for you. I keep forgetting.

Halfway seriously, you can't refute any of the facts or numbers I give. So you just rant. Very convincing.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2004, 11:43:46 AM by CaseyAbell »


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« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2004, 11:39:51 AM »
As opposed to your posts, which lack any intellegence at all.
My posts give facts. Your posts give rants. Enough said.

NOTE: Some of the stuff I'm replying to has been edited out, for folks who might be wondering. There was a comment about my wife and another about Guide Angel. Real "interior of the posterior" stuff that either the moderators or Dsmith himself thought better of.

I'm not an employee of GSN. I have no financial interest in GSN. I don't do any consulting or other work for them. I am interested in trying to be as factual and objective as possible in discussing the network...or any other topic, for that matter.

I fail to see how comments like "dumping f****** statistics down our throats" or "you're the #1 GSN kissa**" or "your views come from the interior of your posterior" add anything constructive to the discussion. This is the a.t.g.s. garbage we were supposed to be getting away from.

I'm no saint. Sometimes I get a little heated in my replies to other posters. I try to be as respectful as possible. Did I ridicule Dsmith a little harshly in my comments about his number sense? Maybe, and I'm sorry for that. But it's hard to let language like the quotes (and even more personal comments about my wife and Guide Angel, which have now been removed) just roll off my back.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2004, 12:44:27 PM by CaseyAbell »


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« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2004, 12:45:49 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Oct 22 2004, 08:25 AM\']People should be able to express their opinions without  you dumping f****** statistics down our throats every time.
Actually, Casey's dead right here, whereas you look like a petulant child.

Casey doesn't whip out the stats until Yet Another Schmuck comes around and bitches about how "GSN doens't show game shows anymore", at which point he calmly and correctly gives proof that yes, they do. The gripe is never that "GSN doesn't show stuff I like to watch", as he said, that's a personal preference. The argument is that "GSN is dead", which is flat wrong.

Me and Casey might not agree on a lot of aesthetic issues, but he's right here.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2004, 01:09:55 PM »
Most of what I was going to say about Mark's comments has already been expressed quite well by Casey and Chris.  (I assume that some of Casey's comments are responses to statements that Mark edited out; they seem a bit out of context otherwise. :-)

But I will add one thing here... reposting nonsense from the GSN boards wasn't appreciated when Adam was doing it, and I'm no more a fan of it now than I was then.  If you're using it to make a point, here's a hint: it usually doesn't work.  If you're using it to show how stupid you think people are over there, here's a suggestion: DON'T HANG OUT THERE.


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« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2004, 01:34:13 PM »
Hang on a second, guys......

I think what Mark was trying to say (and I don't have the benefit of the edited out comments) is that he is sick and tired (as am I) of Casey trying to justify what GSN does on their board and this board.   The way Casey posts, he acts like he is on GSN's payroll whether he is or not.  He tries to say that because the ratings are up 28 percent over a time period full of reruns, that means that GSN is getting better.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  He says that the schedule is about 90 percent game shows.  The only first runs right now are the crappy shows like "Celebrity Blackjack" and "Extreme Dodgeball".  No new "Lingo"s, or "Russian Roulette"s, or "Whammy"s.  And if I'm to believe the Prof ('cause he published it at his website), a fourth season of "Lingo" was either canned or pushed back in favor of a small time poker tournament.  GSN is the absolute epitome of progam mismanagement.  I don't watch it much now (except for some weekend mornings when there's decent shows.)  RIP, Game Show Network 1994-2004.


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« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2004, 01:37:09 PM »
What was a repost? I haven't seen any of these id's on the GSN board...except my own, and I didn't repost anything from there in this thread. I've been a little lazy about that in the past. From now I'll try to "rephrase," as the lawyers say, when I crosspost.

Anyhoo, I just glanced at the GSN schedule starting RIGHT NOW!, as the Fox baseball broadcasts like to shout. Right now (removing the caps lock) we've got Love Connection. Then it's Friend or Foe. Then it's Whammy, MG, Feud, RR, Lingo, WBSM, WL, Millionaire, Dog Eat Dog, Celeb Blackjack, WBSM, Millionaire, Street Smarts, MG, Name's the Same, WML, [okay, infomercials], CS, Blockbusters, H2, MG, PYL, Whammy, Jeopardy, Love Connection, Lingo, MG, Feud, Dog Eat Dog.

Then we finally get to something that Zap2it identifies as not a game show: Dodgeball. Then it's Civvie Blackjack, Celeb Blackjack, WL, Greed, Lingo, Millionaire...

You get the idea. In the next eighteen hours or so you can see many of the best shows the genre has to offer on GSN. And here's the kicker: if GSN went kaput this minute, you could kiss all or almost all of these shows good-bye. If you think that USA and TNT would suddenly start a bidding war for Lingo or WBSM, your thinking is chemically impaired.

Am I kissing GSN's ass? No, I'm seeing what's in front of my face...which is not GSN's ass. This network is the only outlet for many of the classic and original game shows I really like to watch.

Fortunately, the network is probably safer now from going kaput than it's ever been. After the shaky financial times of two-three years ago and the rocky news from Nielsen for much of last year, the network looks to be on pretty firm ground.

And for one more reminder of matters of opinion...

The only first runs right now are the crappy shows like "Celebrity Blackjack" and "Extreme Dodgeball".
I like both those shows. In fact, Celeb Blackjack is one of the best, if not the best original game shows that GSN has ever aired. Interesting and complex gameplay, lively contestants, one competent host and one entertaining host, a nice pace and plenty of humor.

I'll admit that Dodgeball isn't a game show. But it's a closely related competition show that's energetic, fast-paced, funny, and surprisingly athletic.

You're welcome not to like these shows. I'm welcome to enjoy them.

The way Casey posts, he acts like he is on GSN's payroll whether he is or not.
Absolute garbage and provably wrong. Do a search on my posts here or on the GSN board about All New 3's a Crap, Extreme Gag, Love Buttock, Friend or Fart or some of the other abominations GSN has excreted on its audience. For that matter, check my less than favorable comments about oldies like Card Sharks and H2 that GSN continually regurgitates.

But again, these are only my opinions and your mileage may vary.

What I haven't done is constantly and indiscriminately dump on the network. If GSN does something I like, I say so. If they do something I don't like, I say so.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2004, 02:45:41 PM by CaseyAbell »

aaron sica

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« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2004, 01:53:15 PM »
My differing points of view with Casey, with all due respect, are his definitions of "classic game shows". I consider shows like MG, FF, NG, Press Your Luck, Blockbusters, and Card Sharks to be "classic game shows", along with the B&W overnight offerings.

To me, classic is something more than, about 10 years old, give or take a bit, on the schedule. WBSM and Street Smarts are not classic game shows to me, and neither are Lingo, Russian Roulette, Whammy, or Friend or Foe. Even "Jeopardy" to me is not a classic on GSN's schedule, as it's fairly new. Neither is Hollywood Squares.

I guess it all depends on your definition of what a "classic game show" is. I'm not treading into the "what is a game show", because I would imagine Casey and I *would* agree on something with that: that it's been beaten to death.