OK, I have some time to type it out. We'll start with Price..
2:30 AM Decide to wake up a little earlier than planned in case I over sleep.
4:00 Due to parents not getting up on time, we leave a bit later than planned. But, the more experienced Driver of us three is taking us there,r so I can't complain and hope for the best.
4:20(or there abouts) Arrive on line. We find out later that we where number 113 in line. I was planning to bring a walkman and gameboy to keep me occupied for the long wait. The gameboy got used, the walkman didn't. I found myself entranced by the conversation around me

. We where in front of two nice ladies who where around, or a bit older than my mothers age from Tennesse. The other folk near us was a mother/daughter team who had been to the show 5 times already. This was our first. Needless to say, the time past surprisingly fast.
5:AM Very wary of mentions that a rat was running up and down the line searching for food. Keep a wary eye out.
6AM: Our tickets are numberd. Come back at 7:10
7:10 Back in line, as stated earlier, we where number 113, 112, and 111. Nice lady page comes over the michrophone to give out line instructions.
This next part is rather blurred..... but sometime between 7:10-9Am, we get our tickets numbered. The 1:!5 PM people stand in one line, the 4:!5 people in another. We where number 87. We had to be back around 10 Am, the 4PM people had to be back a round 12PM. So, we decide to just wait out the time on the benches.
More time passes. Our name tags finally get handed out around 11:20 or so. I ask for my name to be xed out, as I'm to nervous a personality to be on TV, and I don't photograph well anyway

. My father is there just to be in the audience, and too tired from waiting in line since 3 AM to w ant to play. So, that leave sjust my mother.
The nice page lady eventually calls for all people with an X to come up to her for a special bench seating, and as we sit down, another 30 minutes or so passes. By now, it's around 12 PM. A good 8 hours has gone by surprisingly quick, the sun, surrounded by clouds, has long since risen. As this time, I notice two people come out with a clipboard(Anyone know their names?)
I hear one say, "are they ready f or us?" So, I stop the headphones figuring that these guys are the interviewers. Funny, I always thought Roger(the producer?) did the interviewing. Anyway, they ask us a quick few questions, probably just to make us feel like part of the group, and we get ushered over to the metal detecter after the first group of ten interviewees go through the process. While we where waiting online at the last set of benches, we where theorizing on how they choose who they choose to come on down, and I don't think we nailed it

Finally, around 12:30 or so, the line is finished interviewing, and it's time to go in! Duiring this wait time, we notice some sets being wheeled in, and I asked a blonde page if those are the price sets. She says she dosn't know, and they don't normally keep them on stage. But, we later saw them wheeling in a set door, so it was probably a sitcom set(Ray Ramono, perhaps?)
Anyway, after being up for nearly 10 hours, waiting for this moment for at least 20 years, we're ushered in to the set. The first thing we notice is Christmas trees. While waiting in line, I speculated that we might be taping a Christmas show, and I turned out right

. The nice cool air and the thrill of being in the stage helps wake any sleepy audience members up ; ).
Now, I have to admit, since Rod died, I havn't been watching the show as much as I usually do. So this was my first chance to hear the new announcer, Rich. Very nice guy. Don't know if anyone else heard this story, but he says the following.
He attended a taping of TPIR during the Johhny Olsen years. Johnny was doing the warmup act and gave Rich the chance t odo his job up on stage and call someone down. He did just that, and Johnny hated his performance

. Needless to say, 20 years later and he's now sitting behind Johnny's Podium, heh. So, he gave a few audience members the chance to call someone down, and the lucky people got to run down to the set.
Then, he asked for some dancers, and held an inpromptu dance contest. After that, it was time to start the show!
Part two coming up next...well, maby not on this board. Can I reveal behind the scenes tidbits, like what the announcer did during the reading of prize descriptions?