Ok...here are some of the ones I've had..
The Price is Right
The 30th year premieres with a new host, an new theme, updated set and new game: pricing Stairs. 5 3-digit prizes are shown. The center floor opens up, and there is are 5 stairs with prices on them. One of the models is then pushed down the stairs, and whatever she lands on the contestant must match that price with the right prize.
The Price is Right $1,000,000 spectacular for old people-Only old people in the audience, making fun of us "young folks". It was a, well, BAD show.
The New Price is Right- Think the 94' version with bonuses of $100 for coming on down, hosted by a black supermodel, the main theme was "more bounce to the ounce", and the only PG I remember was "Can you pull this bar apart?"
Family feud
The new set is lower, with a screen that comes down to show the answers, and the set is littred with..artwork. The area behind Richard Dawson is a statue of the thinker, and each family has a famous scenery painting behind it...
Another open I dreamed showed the 94 set, all dark with spotlights, and the camera showed the family's name light up, and then it zoomed to a side view of the doors, where the family was posed in a bedroom or living room....
Weird huh?