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Author Topic: Anyone Following "Link" on BBC America?  (Read 3039 times)


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Anyone Following "Link" on BBC America?
« on: November 05, 2004, 07:42:09 AM »
I know, this is like my first post in a long time. Over the last 18 months or so, I've been all over this internet thing, and didn't have a lot of time for the game show hobby. I've gone back to school, been working a lot, and even was on the air for The 80s Channel, WXXY-FM (before it switched to Gospel this past August.)

I'm starting to slowly really get back into the hobby. In fact, sometime over November, xanfan.com is going to have a massive update and upgrade. New pictures, new sections, new videos, new layout, new celebrity archives (and updates to existing ones), etc. I have to tell ya. It was a nice surprise to see that a lot of people still accessed the site, even when it hasn't had an update since April of 2003. Really made me feel like all the work I did so far was worth it. So, it's time to update. Look for it soon.

So, did ya miss me? :)

I also have two questions: I recently started watching the BBC America airings of "Weakest Link", and I was curious to know if anyone had any airdates? I know that they are the daytime version and that they from the third series, even know the episode numbers (thanks to the BBCA site). Any idea on original airdates?

Also, does anyone know if BBCA has plans to air the infamous April Fools Day episode where Anne was sickening sweet? I'd really like to see that. :)

For the record, if you'd like to drop me an email to see what's up, you can email me at xanfan(@)comcast(.)net (Yeah, got broadband now. :)