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Author Topic: I erased the tapes just like the professionals!  (Read 5549 times)


  • Member
  • Posts: 231
  • Button-Pushing Monkey
I erased the tapes just like the professionals!
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2005, 06:53:12 PM »
I still kick myself for these...considering a) I did both of 'em, and b) I was old enough to know better...:-)

Back in the '90s, before I got my DSS, I had a coworker (who had Dish Network) tape three tapes of GSN for me.  This, of course, was back in the golden days of the network, when they were running nighttime TPiR with Tom Kennedy, Blockbusters '87, and all that other stuff that we wished we would've seen more of in the later years.

I loved the tapes so much that I went out and got myself a DirecTV system.  And promptly taped over the tapes my friend had made for me.  After all, I thought, why would I ever need tapes if I've got a full-time channel of them?

And that's not even my worst "tape-over" offense.  When I was in high school in 1991, I found that at the end of my dad's tape of "Casablanca" was about 2 hours of old stuff--an hour of "Saturday Night Live", an hour-long "Ironsides" rerun, then a 10-minute news broadcast featuring an update on the still unfolding disaster at Three Mile Island.  And did I grab the tape and lock it up somewhere?  Of course not...
Ben Scripps. Professional button-pushing monkey.