That's why I've both saved a copy of the Tom Interview webpage, as is right now, to my hard drive, down to every last graphic and typo, as well as taken a series of screengrabs of the IE window of the whole page.
And what REALLY gets my goat about all this, is that not only did he not give credit, he tried to cover his tracks by tinkering with the brightness on them, resizing one, and cropping the other (And, for the record, in 2 of the 3, you can tell they're the same, because everyone and everything are in the exact same spot. The EXACT same spot. As for the B&W one..what are the odds that 2 people would resize the same photograph to the EXACT same size. Not that good huh. And, not to mention that, as I recall, when I was converting that image for the game show utopia site (For those who didn't know, I do a lot of the grpahical and HTML work on it), the original looked a little green, until I used a filter in PSP7 to turn it to a true B&W. And the photo on has no green to be found, yet is the same photo....hmm)