[quote name=\'goongas\' date=\'Dec 3 2004, 11:42 PM\'][quote name=\'Fedya\' date=\'Dec 3 2004, 10:59 PM\']This is about game shows if you consider
The Chair to be a game show and not a torture show. :-)
Link to articleAccording to the article, it was averaging 75,000 viewers (do they mean viewers or households) a night. I have trouble figuring out the obscure world of cable ratings, since they don't seem to use the same numbers as broadcast. But from GSN ratings I've seen mentioned here, isn't that 75,000 something like 30% of GSN's ratings?
75,000 is test-pattern ratings for a name like CNBC. They attract triple that during the daytime.
And of course, they claim that a lot more people are watching in offices and bars that Nielsen doesn't monitor, even if the volume's muted and they only look every so often to check the ticker.
Even so, their daytime ratings are a lot lower than during the go-go market days of the late 90s, when Maria Baritomo was everyone's "Money Honey." And they haven't seemed to be able to draw any crowd at night since the days of Tom Snyder and Bob "How's Your Penis?" Berkowitz--when Roger Ailes was running things before he invented America's Talking, saw NBC take it away from him to start MSNBC and then got Rupert Murdoch to start a news channel as revenge on NBC. Wonder how that channel's doing lately...

ObGameShow: When CNBC's Bill Griffeth was at FNN, he hosted the "What's News?" call-in game show every so often (that was the one before the early edition of "Time Out for Trivia" with Todd "You're Outta Here" Donoho).