Yes, I realize the chance of it being picked up again is next to zilch... but it doesn't hurt to fantasize, does it?
I don't mean for PYL to become a quarter-million dollar game show. My point was that inflation has been huge since 1986! It would be nice to see the values upped even just a little bit...
But, realistically, for a network game show to attract a large audience, I hate to say it, but it has to have a pretty big payout... TV viewers like big, big, big, big bucks on game shows, which is part of the reason I believe that Millionaire was such an instant hit.
Yes, i know the entire show was basically just about hitting a plunger at the best possible time... but at the same time, look at the huge cult following behind the show! BTW, at least I think so in my opinion, don't the game shows with the most basic concepts often do the best popularity-wise? i.e. WOF, J!, CC, MG, FF, TPIR, TTTT... It doesn't get more basic then just smacking a plunger, or if it does, how?