Last night I was playing Time's Up at a friend's place, and we were using the trusty G8 Game Timer to keep time instead of the silly egg timer that comes with that otherwise fantastic game. (Help a fellow Invisioner out, go buy six copies now.

So anyhow, we got to thinking, we had a laptop with a nice big screen handy, wouldn't it be neat (and far easier to see from across the room than the G8) to use that as a clock display? We have a lot of game show nuts here, and many of them can code, so does anyone know of a standard countdown timer (along the lines of a basketball shot clock or the "Clock in the wings" on Clark Pyramid) that has been written for Windows? Here's my ideal feature list:
* Easy-to-click buttons onscreen (and/or distinct keyboard commands) for Start / Pause, Stop / Clear, and Reset Clock. Ideally Start Clock would both reset and start clock when clock is at :00.
* Either font-changable, or a number of different game-show type numerical fonts (Eggcrate, seven-segment, vein) could be selected. Color of font and background should be customizable, and an extra added bonus would be for those colors to change upon clock expiry.
* Fills up the screen when maximized. As in, if it's set for 60 seconds, there is no trailing "0" in the minutes column. Just a "60", with or without the leading colon. (Really, it ought to fill up the window, whatever size the window is.)
* Offers a toggle to turn tenths-of-a-second on and off.
* Will play the WAV of your choice when the clock hits zero.
* Will LOOP the WAV of your choice while clock is running. (good for Scrabble "ticka-ticka-ticka" or Pyramid "wah")
* Offers both count-up and countdown modes.
I'm aware of Curt's Wonderwall clock, but that has the Wonderwall doohickies onscreen as well, and I'm looking for something that could be suited to several game-show-esque and other gaming functions. Plus I want those numbers to FILL UP the screen, at least as much as we can and still have the controls be convenient.
So did someone write this and I don't know about it? It strikes me that it wouldn't be THAT hard to write, and while I'm pretty 'tarded when it comes to Visual C++, I'm not THAT awful, and maybe this would be a good Visual Basic project, just for learning purposes. Seems like it would be easy to write something basic and then add on options until it became pretty ub3rl33t.