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Author Topic: German Gameshows  (Read 5963 times)


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German Gameshows
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2004, 08:59:31 AM »
"Pyramide" is pretty much an institution in France... it's been on since at least the early 90's.  There are "Pyramide" clubs all over France (as is the case with "Questions pour un champion" and "Des Chiffres et Des Lettres").

"Pyramide" has also kept its popularity up after a host and time change in early 2002 in an attempt to launch "Le Juste Euro" (TPIR) ... it went back to the way it was after the massive protest.

Also, I haven't seen the show in a while (don't get TV5 right now, but I don't even think it's on TV5 Canada these days) but there has always been a viewer game that would add time (10 seconds, IIRC) to the Final Pyramid clock.

Ryan :)



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German Gameshows
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2004, 01:14:15 PM »

Gameshow-Kult presents every week a short videoclip of a german gameshow. The first clip is from "Sale of the Century" (german "Hopp oder Top").  Contestant Manuela plays for a brandnew car.

www.gameshowkult.de  >  "retro video"


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German Gameshows
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2004, 02:44:52 AM »
[quote name=\'GameshowKult\' date=\'Dec 23 2004, 01:14 PM\']New:

Gameshow-Kult presents every week a short videoclip of a german gameshow. The first clip is from "Sale of the Century" (german "Hopp oder Top").  Contestant Manuela plays for a brandnew car.

www.gameshowkult.de  >  "retro video"

       Do you know what happened to the Glücksrad fan page? I like the international section of that website.

Do you know of any official online games of game shows in your country?



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German Gameshows
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2004, 04:57:41 AM »
The "Glueckrad FanSite" will be back in a few days.

Online games of older german (Quiz)-Gameshows:

SAT.1 (Quizshow, Quizfire, Millionenquiz, Chance deines Lebens):

RTL (Wer wird Millionär,  21,  Deutschlands Klügste):

There are no other official online games online, because in the moment, there is only "Ruck Zuck" (Hot Streak) and "Wer wird Millionär" (Who wants to be a millionaire) with new episodes on-air in Germany.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2004, 04:58:20 AM by GameshowKult »


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German Gameshows
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2005, 04:00:27 AM »
Each Saturday there is a new short video of a german gameshow online >> www.gameshowkult.de

Are there any german shows you would prefer to see in these 2minutes-videoclips ?