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Author Topic: Adlink WAS right  (Read 18767 times)


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Adlink WAS right
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:49:24 PM »
It looks like ADLINK was right about GSN for the week starting January 10th. Yahoo TV listings during that time also put Tattletales at 3:00am.

But the one thing many of us STILL don't know about this is plain and simple.....


Why should GSN continue to tinker with what WAS NOT broken to begin with? Some have stated that 'this is just for one week;' others said that 'the color versions are replacing the black & white ones.' And without bringing it up again, yes, I gave my guess as to the reason for it when news of this development first broke; only to be verbally 'kicked in the teeth' by having my thoughts called 'ridiculous.' I've been lurking at the GSN boards in the hopes of getting to the bottom of this matter, but it seems they're 'tight-lipped' about it. Some of their members have mentioned it happening, but there's no reasons as to why. Even this 'GuideAngel' person hasn't said anything about it.

Whatever, there HAS to be SOMETHING about this schedule change; and some of us won't be satisfied until we know WHY!

Your honors, I rest my case.

Tammy Warner--the 'Mary Wickes of the Big Board!'
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2005, 09:28:36 AM »
And without bringing it up again, yes, I gave my guess as to the reason for it when news of this development first broke; only to be verbally 'kicked in the teeth' by having my thoughts called 'ridiculous.'
My teeth got kicked, too, for even entertaining your suggestion as a possibility. But consider the source of the kicking (smile with my remaining teeth) and shrug it off.

It does seem strange to trot out a week of...Tattletales? I don't know, maybe GSN just wants to see if they can draw a few more people in the wee hours with a little more variety. I never understood why GSN would put the same shows on for months in the 3:00 AM slots. Why not vary the menu?

I'd put on different shows every night to try to generate a little more interest. What's there to lose? It's not like zillions of viewers are tuning in to those deep-sleep time slots. Anyway, all the programming sources show Name's the Same returning after next week.

As for Guide Angel, she replied to a question of mine that she doesn't know anything about the Tattletales week.

Don Howard

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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2005, 09:48:04 AM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Jan 5 2005, 09:28 AM\']It does seem strange to trot out a week of...Tattletales?
Any idea who the guests are for that week? Perhaps that'll shed some light upon this mystery.


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2005, 10:07:30 AM »
Any idea who the guests are for that week?
Nobody seems to have a clue. A couple weeks ago Guide Angel told me she didn't even have the shows on her schedule.

Would be kinda funny if it was just a mistake in the programming info. But couldn't GSN ease a lot of kvetching by running different shows each day in those snooze slots? Holy Batcrap, Batman, they could even put on IGaS once a week.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2005, 10:14:40 AM by CaseyAbell »


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2005, 10:24:12 AM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Jan 5 2005, 08:28 AM\']My teeth got kicked, too, for even entertaining your suggestion as a possibility. But consider the source of the kicking (smile with my remaining teeth) and shrug it off.
I disagreed (and still do), thinking that Henny Backus was a non-entity across much of America and not worth a tribute week (considering she died three weeks ago or so, and also considering how quick GSN was with scheduling a tribute to Jerry Orbach, whose passing was more recent).  If you and Tammy consider that being "kicked in the teeth," I'm terribly sorry.

If I'm wrong, I will show up here and apologize, but I still highly doubt that the Backuses are the reason for GSN putting it on the schedule (if it, in fact, actually does make it to air).

Doug -- celebrating 900 posts (and I apologize for the other 899)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2005, 10:28:58 AM by SRIV94 »
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2005, 10:38:35 AM »
Like I said, shrug it off. BTW, I don't want to steal the credit for the "verbally kicked in the teeth" comment from Tammy. That's a good one, and she deserves the honor.

Of course, it's a possibility that GSN might show one or more eps with the Backuses. And it's a possibility they might not show those eps. And it's a possibility they might not show Tattletales at all. The whole thing could be a goof in the programming info supplied to the Internet sites. I don't know, and I don't care because I'm not a Tattletales (or Name's the Same) fan.

I don't mind repeating myself: if you want an argument on this "issue," you'll have to find somebody else. I am a little interested in the possibility that GSN may begin to vary their offerings in the 3:00 AM slots. They showed some tendencies in this direction with the Number Please and Winner Take All eps a few months ago. That's why I asked Guide Angel about the (supposed) Tattletales week.

Finally, I don't particularly care for the reference to Henny Backus as a "non-entity." No, she wasn't as well known as her husband, but she enjoyed a favorable reputation as an author and actress. This is a graceful, if brief, remembrance.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2005, 11:07:26 AM by CaseyAbell »

Matt Ottinger

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« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2005, 10:48:51 AM »
The Tattletales week is real, and Henny Backus is not on it.  That's all I can say, sorry.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2005, 11:00:45 AM »
Aw, Matt, you're teasing us. Anyway, Tattletales fans can enjoy the week. Maybe we IGaS fans might get a glimpse sooner or later. Seems like GSN could make fans of a lot of older shows happy - at very little cost - by varying the lineup in the 3:00 AM hour.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2005, 11:09:13 AM by CaseyAbell »


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2005, 11:10:47 AM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Jan 5 2005, 10:00 AM\']Aw, Matt, you're teasing us. Anyway, Tattletales fans can enjoy the week. Maybe we IGaS fans might get a glimpse sooner or later. Seems like GSN could make fans of a lot of older shows happy - at very little cost - by varying the lineup in the 3:00 AM hour.
You'll get no argument from me on that one.  :)

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2005, 11:37:06 AM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Jan 5 2005, 07:28 AM\']My teeth got kicked, too, for even entertaining your suggestion as a possibility. But consider the source of the kicking (smile with my remaining teeth) and shrug it off.
And given the opportunity, I'd try to pick up the spare, because the Henny Backus angle  was and continues to be ludicrous.

But it's a moot point now, since we now know that it's, as suspected, 100% wrong.
Seems like GSN could make fans of a lot of older shows happy - at very little cost - by varying the lineup in the 3:00 AM hour.
This, however, we agree on...and in fact if they'd like to turn this into a Game Of The Week hour like they used to do on Sunday nights, and give me a shot at seeing a Now You See It or something else rare and 70's, I'd certainly let them, and arm the Tivo appropriately.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2005, 11:39:19 AM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Jimmy Owen

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« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2005, 11:42:16 AM »
Did Jerry Orbach ever appear on "Tattletales"?
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.

Don Howard

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« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2005, 11:46:01 AM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' date=\'Jan 5 2005, 11:42 AM\']Did Jerry Orbach ever appear on "Tattletales"?
Don't know, but that wouldn't be the reason for the scheduling unless someone with a crystal ball knew he was going to pass away several weeks before he did so.

Ian Wallis

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« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2005, 12:27:59 PM »
Seems like GSN could make fans of a lot of older shows happy - at very little cost - by varying the lineup in the 3:00 AM hour.

I'd love it if they did, but would also hope they'd show episodes from every library they have.  They always just seem to stick with Goodson-Todman - I'd rather see something else once in a while.
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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2005, 12:56:29 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Jan 5 2005, 12:27 PM\']
Seems like GSN could make fans of a lot of older shows happy - at very little cost - by varying the lineup in the 3:00 AM hour.

I'd love it if they did, but would also hope they'd show episodes from every library they have.  They always just seem to stick with Goodson-Todman - I'd rather see something else once in a while.

They basically do G-T/MGP because that's the library that they have everything of (through 1993) without any extra effort.  A good portion of the Sony backlog has yet to be converted, if it ever will, and it seems like they have to pay extra for it now, as well.


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Adlink WAS right
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2005, 01:59:27 PM »
I doubt that anybody on this thread will get as graceful an obit (or any obit) from the NY Times as Henny Backus did.

I know I won't. Shrug.

They basically do G-T/MGP because that's the library that they have everything of (through 1993) without any extra effort.
Once GSN locks in a set of shows for the 3:00 AM hour, it stays locked for a while. This Tattletales week is the first change since October. Why?

Sure, GSN execs don't spend much time thinking about these literally slumbering time slots. But couldn't they mix in different shows on different days? Or if that's too radical, why not drop in a week of different shows more than once every three months? Unless you're a particular fan of WML, Name's the Same or BtC, where's the motivation to tape?

Diehard fans of a show that's stuck in the hour (like Terry Teachout with WML) might get miffed if their fave has to share space with a few other offerings. But even they might not mind a little variety now and then. They might even (gasp!) sample a few other shows and like them. After all, they're already fans of at least one old game show.

We're not talking about CBS prime time here. There's no risk of losing a large (or maybe even measurable) audience. For shows already licensed and converted, there's no additional cost. What would be the harm in a little more varied menu?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2005, 02:10:31 PM by CaseyAbell »