Hey all,
I'm in need of one show segment, and one show.
When I taped the 5th appearance of the Fraizer familly(our 3rd attended taping) digitally, I paused the recording and walked away during the commercials. When I came back, I forgot to hit it to resume recording. When I realized my mistake, the second act had just ended. If anyone can encode that second act into an MPG file for trade, please let me know. I like to keep these shows we attend for the memories of being on the set

I knew the repeat was on today, but I was so busy setting up our new computer desk, that I completly forgot about it....darn the luck.
Also, does anyone here tape the Late Late Show? I need the October 15th ep with Craig Ferguson. Carey Elwes from Robin Hood Men in Tights was the guest. I set the DVR to record the show Friday Night at 12:30, only to remember that I was technically taping the Thursday night show, and not Friday nights, wich aired early Saturday morning, if that makes any sense

. Any help in locating this will be rgreatly appreciated.