Jumping back onto the subject of the new set:
Somehow, Randy's excellent description of the new set made it sound to me like this is going to be a fixed set that they'll use every week. I mean this in the sense that now, only the wheel, two video walls, and puzzle board are the only permanent set pieces, and the side decorations and backdrop colors change every week with the theme; and that all the backdrops and decorations and whatnot are permanent on the new set. Is this accurate, or am I reading too much into the description?
Also, Randy mentioned contestant podiums. Is this actually a change to Jeopardy-esque lecterns, or is it just a revamped version of the smooth padded railing they've been using? (And while I'm on a roll, was it really padded, or was it just the way it looked?)
And I'll assume the puzzle board is still touch-activated; am I right? ;-)
Lots of questions in one post, I know, but I'm just an inquisitive guy. ^_^