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Author Topic: WML 1968-72  (Read 5897 times)

Jimmy Owen

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WML 1968-72
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2005, 05:00:08 PM »
Of course, Bill would be great, that probably goes without saying.  Veering from WML, but still in the realm of panel shows, before IGAS came back in 72, G-T took out a trade ad announcing that Art Linkletter had been tapped as host, I don't know what happened between that announcement and the launch, but Steve was back for the syndie, as we all know.  Sure would like to see Bill's IGAS '76.  I was only able to see glimpses of it during commercial breaks on "Happy Days."  (We only had one TV at the time and the majority wanted to see da Fonz.)
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.

The Ol' Guy

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WML 1968-72
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2005, 11:11:44 PM »
At the risk of having a certain car following me with it's lights off next time I drive through East Lansing, I can't quite see Bill at the helm of WML, even in a slightly looser format. John Daly could be a bit of a prig behind that smile, unlike Bill. With a glittering panel of urbane folks with active egos, someone had to be able to keep things in control. John could and would assert himself firmly if someone was out of line, verbally slicing any ham into small chunks if needed. Just my opinion, but with a show that has both an image of decorum and celebrities who might forget their parts and disrupt the game by going for extra attention, the host better have a stiletto behind his grin. Even Blyden seemed like a guy you wouldn't want to cross. Bill is a pal, and it will be hard for him to stay out of pixie mode. His "anything for fun" personality could pull attention away from the contestant and the panel. As a panelist, that minute of sparkle during his turn is always fun to watch. This could be one of the few shows that might not work for him.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2005, 11:15:59 PM by The Ol' Guy »


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WML 1968-72
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2005, 10:28:32 PM »
Gil Fates decided to focus on the original series for the 25th anniversary special to keep the emphasis on the many famous people who appeared on that version.  It wasn't to slight the revamped version, but to put on what people hadn't seen since the original airings.

And there is the story that during a runthrough, when some techs or stagehands were being a little too loud in backstage chatter, Blyden stopped the runthrough and shouted, "If what you are doing is more important than what we are doing out here, please share it with us!"  Yeah, he had that ability to cut off an ego.

And remember, Daly got at the studio every Sunday night after 10 and left at 11:05 for Toots Shor's.  Even if he didn't have the VOA gig, he wouldn't want to get caught up in a strip five-in-a-day schedule.