You can add "Win, Lose or Draw" to this list. Some might have said in a previous thread that ratings were the reason behind the scoring and format change, but I think it was the other way around. The changes were so confusing (in the early rounds, the person who drew did so for the first 25 seconds without any guesses from the teammates, then they had the next 5 seconds to guess for $200. If they did not guess correctly before then, they then had the remaining 30 seconds to guess for $100, and steals were worth $50) that viewers most likely were driven away. The best-known scoring system was you could score $200 for a correct guess, and you could hand off to a teammate after 30 seconds, but if you did, the charade's value dropped to $100, and you could guess the entire time.
Someone mentioned playing along in the earlier thread. In the first format, you could simply cover up part of the bottom of the screen until the host said "Go!" and then you could cover it up again before 30 seconds had expired if you wanted to play along.
(In the Cleveland area, the Bert Convy-hosted version aired in the late afternoon in its first two seasons, then it moved to overnights in its final season, possibly because the WKYC staff saw the format change [which started late in the Vicki Lawrence run] and did not like it.) This show should have had a much longer life.