I was wondering what you would put on the schedule if CBS were to take back the 10-11am time slot from the affiliates for network programming. Although this is very unlikely, I was wondering what ideas you would have, more like a "what if". Here are my ideas:
10am: All-New Match Game: this is basically an updated version of MG '7X, but not TOO updated like MG '98!
10:30am: The Price is Right: moving TPiR to 10:30am would make it harder for affiliates to pre-empt the 10-11am CBS programming, especially with a top-rated GS like TPiR
11:30am: Ryan's Hope: The Next Generation: like Match Game '7X, this was a daytime soap which deserved a longer run, but fell victim to the same thing that axed MG '7X, moving the show around to bad time slots that were often preempted by many affiliates. This is an brand-new current run of the show, much like All-New Match Game, focusing on the the current going ons of the Ryan's and their friends and family members. Bill Bell (Y&R, B&B) will be Exectuive Producer (especially since he wanted another half-hour for CBS), but creator Claire Labine will be head writer and have complete creative control over the show.
12:00pm: local programming
12:30pm: Young & the Restless
1:30pm: Bold & the Beautiful
2:00pm: As the World Turns
3:00pm: Guiding LightIf anyone has their own ideas for filling this time slot, please feel free to post!