[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 3 2005, 06:52 AM\']Also, I know he did it, but how could Pat "remind" everyone that it's a game of definitions on the FIRST episode?
That was the kicker to the whole thing. Pat looked directly into your TV screen, and told, well, dozens of loyal Joker's Wild viewers, "AS YOU ALL KNOW, The Joker's Wild is a game of definitions." No, I in fact DID NOT know that, what's this third idiot doing behind the contestant podium, and where the hell is Fast Forward History?
Now, of course it's possible that Pat was addressing the players with that statement, who had doubtless seen a rulesheet by then and DID IN FACT KNOW that The Joker's Wild was now a game of definitions, but if so he was committing the cardinal sin of ignoring his audience, who deserved an explanation.

(Of course, later we would find that said audience deserved an apology as well, for all of those half-hours they would never get back.