[quote name=\'wschmrdr\' date=\'Mar 5 2005, 12:49 PM\']whoever designed the set for Scrabble should be the Set Designer
Ed Flesh. I'd also hire him to do the set for my show. Meanwhile, the other folks...
Host: I'd want to bring in Jim Perry if it's a serious show, or Bill Cullen for a more comedic [or just not as serious] show. However, if I had to pick based on versatility, Tom Kennedy gets the nod. "Split Second". Nuff said.
EDIT: Now that I see Modor's post, Jim Peck would be a good idea. Of course, though, I'm probably biased because he's from Wisconsin.
Announcer: Have a lot of people to recruit here. Johnny Olson, Charlie O'Donnell, Jack Clark, Don Morrow, Johnny Jacobs, Bob Hilton, and you can't forget Randy West!!! If I had to pick just one, well, depends on show. Either Morrow or O'Donnell for a serious show, Hilton, Johnny O., or Randy for a "looser" show.
Executive Producer: Probably someone from Goodson----Ira Skutch or Chester Feldman come to mind. Maybe even Robert Sherman. Jay Wolpert may work, but as most of us know, he's more of "the ideas man".
Director: This one's also got a lot of folks to choose from----Chris Darley, Bruce Burmester, George Choderker, Bill Carruthers, Dana Calderwood....I could go on. Of course, you can't forget Breslow, Alter, and Skutch, either.
Music: Right off the bat, I'd pick either Score or Kalehoff. However, there have been excellent themes that came from nowhere----take "Supermarket Sweep" for example: Who the heck is Christopher Rhyne?

Heck, maybe even news music king Frank Gari could probably turn out an excellent GS theme if someone told him to.
Taping location: Studio 33. If it wouldn't work there, take it to NBC Burbank.
Network: No preference.
When: Somewhere in daytime.