Interesting choices! I know most of you stuck with the games that are around today, but I'm going to bring a few out of retirement.
I'd start with Bullseye I. If you watch the show enough, you notice a pattern with the last digit of cars. Chevy's are almost always 5, Ford's most of the time are 0, and the rest you can pretty much figure out a pattern. Once you have the last digit down, it's a simple binary search to get down to the right price.
Pick a Number is something else I'd pick. Good knowledge of prices is DEFINITELY needed.
Next I'd actually go with Fortune Hunter. With Bob's clues you usually get a good idea of what you're trying to find, and if you screw up a previous clue, you can accomodate for it.
Fourth, the Balance Game. If you have a good idea of how much 2-digit prizes are, you can win the game.
Alright, maybe I should throw in a couple that are still around. Let's have #5 be the Grocery Game. Knowledge of how much the items cost, plus strategy is necessary. (This could also be Check-out)
And, to cap off a BIG Finish, we play the echo'd car game: Triple Play. Not too good odds, but if you know a general price range, you can win.
However, if the rules were you had to use games that are in play, I'd replace Bullseye I with On The Spot, Fortune Hunter with Hi-Lo (though I find it easy), and Balance Game with Cliffhangers (a simple strategy is implemented with that)