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Author Topic: Odds and Ends, Part 2  (Read 3103 times)

Sonic Whammy

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  • Posts: 337
Odds and Ends, Part 2
« on: March 19, 2005, 06:06:57 PM »
Greetings, everyone. Hope you don't mind this one, just looking for some help.

First up, just like last time, looking for the Family Feud contestant hotline number. I STILL keep missing it.

Second, not sure if anyone knows this guy, but a fellow named Mike Shaver visited my site a few weeks ago asking for a sound bite of the category reveal back in Art Fleming's Jeopardy days. I finally put it up on my site just now, and I want to make sure he gets it. If anyone knows him, send him my way.

Third, my partners in crime in the world of Sonic, Robert Brown and Francis Tolbert, asked me a strange favor this morning. They know how we all trade game shows with each other, but they were wondering if there was anyone out there who collect or trade videos (not mp3's, I've just been corrected) of classic CARTOON theme songs and openings? It's a bit different, I know, but if anyone knows, I'm sure you guys do.

And as a final footnote, once again, I'm writing this post after having missed an episode. Stupid VCR at my parent's house didn't tape PYL this morning. *sigh*

Thanks again, guys.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 06:17:17 PM by Sonic Whammy »
Brian Sapinski

Just Brian Sapinski... for now