[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'Mar 19 2005, 01:47 AM\']
Poll #0227/000030: "We asked 100 bartenders: 'Members of what occupation seem to talk the most?'" The top 5 answers were on the board:
Salespeople (25), Construction (16), Other Bartenders (10), Factory Workers (

and Business Executives (6)
Those responses add up to only 65 points. The remaining 35 points are split among no less than 21 other answers, some of which received 4 responses in the poll (secretaries and truck drivers). Others received 3 or 2 responses but were not included for editorial reasons. Indeed, only "the top 5 answers were on the board".
Doesn't this practice of cutting the less popular answers from the surveys have another purpose: Making a win in three rounds less likely so that certain hosts who will remain nameless don't have to do as much stretching.