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Author Topic: Facts about Geoff Edwards  (Read 9637 times)


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« on: March 26, 2005, 12:09:31 AM »
I am so, so sorry but I am on a Geoff and Treasure Hunt kick hoping & praying that GSN in the future will broadcast the 1973-1977 shows. We can only hope & pray. Here are some Geoff facts other than he's a traveller and a radio broadcaster:

1. Born in 1943 in New Jersey
2. Was a twenty-year old reporter when Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas basement in 1963
3. Had roles in the tv series Outlaw and Pettitcoat Junction
4. Was either 29 or 30 when he hosted Treasure Hunt(Pretty young host then)
5. Was a regular and former straight-man in the Bobby Darin show. Also had musical talents as well!!
6. He's left-handed

Any other Geoff facts would be appreciated as well.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2005, 01:36:29 PM by Passepartout »
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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2005, 02:45:41 PM »
Guest spots include

Diffrent Strokes- reporter

Small Wonder- game show host
Geoff told me that he had a hand writing some of the material for this episode. The producers and directors were usually open for ideas if the cast had suggestions... too bad that didn't make the show any better

I Dream of Jeannie- Banker
This one's pretty funny. Jeannie unknowingly hands Geoff a robbery note, and Geoff's reaction is priceless.

Petticoat Junction (as mentioned)- Jeff Powers
Geoff only had 5 guest spots as this character

Here's what he told me about the shows he did.

Treasure Hunt- His favorite show to host, because he got to ad-lib a lot. Chuck Barris tried to sabotage Treasure Hunt towards the end by making the skits more cruel and more mean spirited. Geoff thought he went too far and threatened to quit. Chuck gave in, but got even with Geoff by writing himself and others into the skits, only to hire anybody he could find to take their place, meaning Geoff had to work with someone that he didn't rehearse with.

Starcade- He loves video games, but didn't care much for the format.

The New Chain Reaction- The show had no audience, so it was difficult to make it fun. The people that were around were told they couldn't laugh at Geoff, because then the viewers would know there was no audience. The show's original host, Blake Emmons, was doing terrible, and Bob Stewart had to work around the Canadian Network's policy of "Canadian born talent only". So he had announcer Rod appear on camera at the beginning and the end of the show.

Hollywood's Talking- Jack Barry didn't like Geoff. He thought he wasn't right for the job. However, this didn't stop Dan Enright from later hiring him to host Play the Percentages.

Play the Percentages- A lot of people disliked Dan Enright, but Geoff told me he never had a problem with him, and Geoff occasionally joked with Dan on the show. Dan once played a joke on him by having his staff pass the cue cards around to all the staff members until the cue cards went from one side of the stage to the other. Dan handled the cue cards, and Geoff kept telling him to "keep the cards moving", so Dan took it literally.

Jackpot- Geoff told me he remembered the only time in the show's run they offered a 50k Jackpot, and the answer to the Super Jackpot riddle brought the audience to a revolt... and Geoff responded by hiding behind the bleachers where the contestants sat.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2005, 04:04:34 PM »
I've always liked Geoff.  I'm sorry he never got a long-running hit.  I remember the awful Blake Emmons from the absurdly cheap New Chain Reaction, although I never remember an announcer appearing on camera.  I've got a bunch of Play the Percentages clips, including the one where Geoff completely loses it after Dan E's cue card gag.  I never completely understood that joke, but now I get it.  The last I saw of him was several years ago hosting some infomercial.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2005, 04:09:43 PM »
[quote name=\'Desperado\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 05:04 PM\']I've always liked Geoff.  I'm sorry he never got a long-running hit.  I remember the awful Blake Emmons from the absurdly cheap New Chain Reaction, although I never remember an announcer appearing on camera.  I've got a bunch of Play the Percentages clips, including the one where Geoff completely loses it after Dan E's cue card gag.  I never completely understood that joke, but now I get it.  The last I saw of him was several years ago hosting some infomercial.

Treasure Hunt probably was Geoff's only hit it seems since he was so good at it!!
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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2005, 04:09:53 PM »
[quote name=\'Desperado\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 04:04 PM\']I've always liked Geoff.  I'm sorry he never got a long-running hit.  I remember the awful Blake Emmons from the absurdly cheap New Chain Reaction, although I never remember an announcer appearing on camera.
Towards the end of the run (The $40,000 era) they did a thing called The Home Game. At the end of the show, Geoff and Rod would stand at Geoff's podium and do a mini-chain of 3 words together.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2005, 05:55:15 PM »
[quote name=\'mystery7\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 04:09 PM\']Towards the end of the run (The $40,000 era) they did a thing called The Home Game. At the end of the show, Geoff and Rod would stand at Geoff's podium and do a mini-chain of 3 words together.
Holy crap, I had totally forgotten about that!  Not that I would remember it...it's been what, 20 years since it's been on?  I really wish I had taped some of the shows from the  USA era.  I'd love to have a few Make Me Laugh's in my collection.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2005, 07:37:59 PM »
[quote name=\'mystery7\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 04:09 PM\']
Towards the end of the run of USA Chain Reaction (The $40,000 era) they did a thing called The Home Game. At the end of the show, Geoff and Rod would stand at Geoff's podium and do a mini-chain of 3 words together.

They did the Home Game segment for all of Geoff's USA CR tenure. It was called MIssing Link in the first season. Missing Link became a feature where a team of player could win $500 in cash starting in season two for the team or player in the lead at the end of the second chain. A few times, Blake did a Home Game with the home viewers at the end of the show.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2005, 08:30:17 PM »
[quote name=\'whewfan\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 02:45 PM\']Play the Percentages- A lot of people disliked Dan Enright, but Geoff told me he never had a problem with him, and Geoff occasionally joked with Dan on the show. Dan once played a joke on him by having his staff pass the cue cards around to all the staff members until the cue cards went from one side of the stage to the other. Dan handled the cue cards, and Geoff kept telling him to "keep the cards moving", so Dan took it literally.
I remember seeing that little bit of business. It was late in the run, and Geoff was doing his beginning of the game spiel about the traveling light, and he could not keep it together for the life of him. He started giggling, and then full bore laughter, and he had to have the director take a pan shot of everyone holding the cue cards around the studio. Nobody could crack up quite like ol' Geoff (or as he was often called by Judge Von Eric, Gee-off).


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2005, 09:11:13 PM »
[quote name=\'whewfan\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 02:45 PM\']The New Chain Reaction- The show had no audience, so it was difficult to make it fun. The people that were around were told they couldn't laugh at Geoff, because then the viewers would know there was no audience.
Only a few viewers would miss the lack of a studio audience.  The applause dubs were pretty obvious, and someone should have been laughing during the Geoff-and-Rod bits at the end of each show.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2005, 12:20:03 AM »
[quote name=\'mystery7\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 03:09 PM\'][quote name=\'Desperado\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 04:04 PM\']I've always liked Geoff.  I'm sorry he never got a long-running hit.  I remember the awful Blake Emmons from the absurdly cheap New Chain Reaction, although I never remember an announcer appearing on camera.
Towards the end of the run (The $40,000 era) they did a thing called The Home Game. At the end of the show, Geoff and Rod would stand at Geoff's podium and do a mini-chain of 3 words together.

"The Home Game" was also called "The Missing Link" and had been done throughout Geoff and Rod's tenure.

Also the lack of an audience was way too noticeable (to me, anyway) on the last show when I felt the win bell was way too long (Trust me, I'm not trying to channel Horan here.  It's bad enough I can still remember this one damn moment.)


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2005, 12:30:53 AM »
[quote name=\'Passepartout\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 12:09 AM\']Any other Geoff facts would be appreciated as well.
1246. He eats food to stay alive
1247. He drinks water to stay alive
Phil 4:13

Craig Karlberg

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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2005, 04:04:56 AM »
Here's one those in California will remember.  In the 1980's Geoff was host of a lottery game show called The Big Spin.  That's where players spun the wheel in order to win some money.  In order for the spin to be valid, it must make at least 3 complete revolutions(2 red lights & a green light were indicators showing whether a spin was valid or not).  I first saw this in California while visiting my brother in August 1986.  Then when I came back to New Jersey, I never thought I'd see it again untill I was surfing the satelitte channels & VOILA! there it was.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2005, 05:39:24 AM »
Staying Alive with the Bee Gees!


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2005, 08:02:10 AM »
[quote name=\'whewfan\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 02:45 PM\']Guest spots include

Diffrent Strokes- reporter

Small Wonder- game show host
Geoff told me that he had a hand writing some of the material for this episode. The producers and directors were usually open for ideas if the cast had suggestions... too bad that didn't make the show any better

I Dream of Jeannie- Banker
This one's pretty funny. Jeannie unknowingly hands Geoff a robbery note, and Geoff's reaction is priceless.

Petticoat Junction (as mentioned)- Jeff Powers
Geoff only had 5 guest spots as this character

Geoff also played a TV dance contest host on "Double Trouble".  

Synopsis can be found here.


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Facts about Geoff Edwards
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2005, 08:27:45 AM »
[quote name=\'Modor\' date=\'Mar 27 2005, 12:30 AM\'][quote name=\'Passepartout\' date=\'Mar 26 2005, 12:09 AM\']Any other Geoff facts would be appreciated as well.
1246. He eats food to stay alive
1247. He drinks water to stay alive

1248. Currently has a restraining order against Passerpartout.


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