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Author Topic: Card Sharks  (Read 16412 times)

Sonic Whammy

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Card Sharks
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2005, 11:35:33 AM »
OH... WOW...

WAY back when, at least 6 years ago, early in my website history, this was one of the first little features I had. I polled a lot of you here when we still had alt.tv.game-shows about this same Card Sharks stuff.

If I recall, the questions I asked were this: (I'll give my personal answers in the process, and they've now been extended to include Bulard's version.)

Best Host: Perry, Eubanks, Rafferty or Bulard?
My vote: Perry, for many of the reasons the rest of you have said to this point.

Best Set: 70's, 80's or 00's?
My vote: This was tough, but I ultimately went with the red set of the 70's. (I think that's the one you were arguing for when you said "green", Travis.) It's so darn close with the 80's, though. 00's wasn't bad, but needed more of the casino feel of the others.

Best Theme: 70's, 80's or 00's?
My vote: Another super close one, I really thought the 70's and 80's both kicked tail. But I'll go with the 70's. What DID the 00's theme sound like, anyway?

Best Rule for a Tie on the Money Cards: Push, No Push, or Something Else?
My vote: I was one of the few at the time that voted for something else. My personal thought (and I still adhere to it) is that every tie is a push EXCEPT the 2 and the Ace. This way, there is always a risk factor.

Those are the four main questions I remember asking back then. But after seeing a couple of your comments, I'm inspired to make a couple new questions, and answer them accordingly:

Best question format: 70's, 80's, or 00's?
My vote: I assume there's no difference between Eubanks' and Rafferty's formats (Anyone wanna verify?). I'm gonna go with the straight surveys of the 70's. I loved the Educated Guess questions, but the Audience polls were a little slow, thus not quite as cool. They kind of cancel each other out as a result. I realize that there were other things that slowed the 80's runs down, but if they only added the Educated Guesses, my answer would have been different. The Clip Chips, though... all wrong.

Best Change Rule on the Money Cards: 1st Card Only, 1st Card per Line, or Once per Line?
My vote: This one's easy. 1 per line. And as a side to this...

Better Way to Change a Card on the Money Cards: Top of the Deck or 3-Card Bank?
My vote: Easy call here, too. 3-card bank. This doesn't make you totally dependent on the next card. (BTW, does anyone have a better term than "3-Card Bank"? That's all I could come up with.)

Better Money Cards Structure: 70's/80's or 00's?
My vote: 70's/80's. It doesn't look right without that 3rd card on the 2nd line, and while the money division on Bulard's verson was definitely interesting and always left you a chance to keep the game going, I was still bothered by the fact that you were risking your main game money and could thus leave with nothing.

Best Car Game: Jokers, Surveys, or None?
My vote: It's cool they wanted to offer cars. But if I had to pick... I'd say none. Can't decide which of the two formats was better, and I'm not sure if they were the best way to do it, either.

Prize Cards: Yes or No?
My vote: Haven't seen a Rafferty ep where they came up yet, but... sure, why not? Doesn't bother me. But I'd only discuss the prizes after the match. Don't stop the game midway.

That's my take. And if anyone honestly liked Bulard's version the best in any way... well, to each their own.
Brian Sapinski

Just Brian Sapinski... for now


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« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2005, 12:24:16 PM »
[quote name=\'Sonic Whammy\' date=\'May 31 2005, 10:35 AM\']What DID the 00's theme sound like, anyway?

I can't describe it,  but it sounded like it belonged on a Nickelodeon game show, no glitzy feel whatsoever. I know there's a portion of it on Uproar's CS game. It's semi-catchy (I said "semi"), but it's also extremely repetitive. Typical Alan Ett theme song (:30 of the same thing looped over and over again).
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2005, 09:01:20 AM »
My two cents as follows...

Hands down, the original is the best here!

Jim is the master of suspense and the game just flowed right along...It's the very thing that compells me to tivo his shows when they are on.

I"d rank Bob's version above Bill's any day (Maybe it's just me, but it drives me nuts every time Bill screws something up... i.e., saying the third question out of four is the "final question" of the game)

And for the record, (not that anyone would care) I personally rank CS01 the worst remake of all time with Billy Bush's LMAD coming in 2nd, and TTD90 a close third