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Author Topic: You Produce "Wheel"  (Read 22230 times)


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2005, 02:33:07 AM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' date=\'Jun 6 2005, 01:15 AM\']Either cut the chat segment in the final act, or do an honest-to-Pete recap with it, like "Feud" or "Pyramid."  That's more time that could be used for the game.

Now, this is one thing I would keep. I actually like the informal chat at the end of the show, esp. since Wheel is the only show that actually does a post-mortem before the credits. I like the fact that they take the commercial break and come back to wind down, even if it is just 20 seconds. It makes the show feel a little casual, and allows a small breather btwn. the bonus round and credits. On Feud and Pyramid it's simply "He/she/they've won $xx,000! See you next time!" and cue credits. Way too rushed IMO.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Don Howard

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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2005, 02:37:46 AM »
I'd like to have Charlie O. give us the total retail value of all the prizes on the stage during the intro.
Keep the first Toss-Up. Have it be worth the $500 house minimum.
Have the wheel prizes and jackpot space NOT count towards score.
Sign Pat and Vanna to fifty-year contracts. Chuck and Susan are never coming back. Never.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 02:38:06 AM by Don Howard »


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2005, 06:52:34 AM »
The graphics are a minor thing, they don't bother me that much. I do agree we need more four-figure spaces on the wheel besides the Mystery $1,000 and the TDV for the round. Bringing back $1,500 in Round 4 would be devine.

I would also agree to truncate the Tossups to only one. While they may not be the major time-eaters, I fail to see why we need two tossups before Round 1. One tossup maybe, but why two?

Bring back returning champions. Probably go for a 3-day limit like before (although I don't think we'd see any major problem with 5 days).

Also, while people love cars, trips and cash, I'd prefer to see more varied prizes. Kinda go back to the days where Grand Pianos and other assorted prizes were given out during prize rounds. Maybe restrict the cars and cash to the bonus round only.
You Found a Secret Area: The place where I write about dumb game show and video game stuff occasionally.


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2005, 08:46:00 AM »
I would axe the toss-ups. I know Sajak likes that someone who gets Wheel-bitten can still win money, but to me it defeats the purpose of the game. I would take out the Bonus Questions, as well. Their only purpose is to show the country that people don't know anything about the world around them.

Like many others, I think that the values on the Wheel are messed up. I would change them to:

Round 1: $100-$1,000
Round 2: $200-$2,000 (with a $1,000 space)
Round 3: $300-$3,000 (with $1,000 and $1,500 spaces)
Every round after that: $400-$4,000 (with $1,000, $1,500 and $2,000 spaces)

That would take out the disparity between the top two spaces.

There would be two prizes put on the Wheel. One worth about $2,500 in Round 2, and one worth about $5,000 in Round 4.

I would ditch the $10,000 Space, but I would keep the Jackpot and Mystery Spaces. Instead of being on daily, they would be Special Rounds along with the Prize Puzzle. The Jackpot would start at $2,000, and increase with the spinning. The Mystery Prize would be worth about $5,000, underneath one of two $500 spaces. They would show up every few days, accompanied by a lilttle chime, with only one Special Round in any given show. They are gimmicks, so I would keep them out of the forefront.

The Final Spin would continue to be $1,000 plus whatever Sajak spins. That is one of the changes I like.

The other one is the Little Wheel Bonus Round. I would probably change the frequency of the envelopes to include boats and trips, drop the intermediate cash values (no more $30K, $35K, $40K or $45K), and drop the big prize to $50,000.

I know that these ideas aren't very good. It's basically a budget cut, but I'm of the belief (and I know that others, like TLEberle, feel the same way, since it comes up whenever we discuss the Goen version) that it's ridiculous how high the scores get in the main game sometimes. I know that I personally wouldn't have a problem with the "CBS" amounts, but I think that people have gotten too spoiled by the way Wheel shovels cash away, so I think that they would be really turned off if a Chevy Aveo was the car in the Bonus Round.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 08:52:26 AM by CarShark »


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2005, 10:12:30 AM »
Retain the first toss-up puzzle only to see who gets control of the wheel.

Bring back the $1000 space in Round 1.

Jackpot round in Round 2.  Put the Bankrupt/$10000 prize wedge back in round 2 only.  Put a nice prize on the wheel and put a $1000 Gift Certicate on the wheel.  Also bringing back the $2500 space.

Round 3. Mystery Round in fine.  $3500 space on the wheel

Round 4. $5000 space on the wheel and play till time is up.

I'm in favor of keeping the "FINAL SPIN" graphic for editing purposes.

The "NO MORE VOWELS" graphic needs to go.  This show has been on for how long now and all of a sudden the viewing audience needs to keep up with the letters called???  Heck the home viewing audience has a better time of keeping up with the letters called then the in-studio players and they have a used-letter board to remind them what was called???  (sigh)

As far as the Bonus round is concerned, I would bring in some big time prizes rather than the $30K, $35K, $40K, $45K, $50K prizes, they have to go and I would seriously cut down on the frequency of the $25K envelopes on the bonus wheel too.

Other than that, Wheel is fine.


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2005, 11:00:24 AM »
I agree with the elimination of the Final Spin graphic and the No More Vowels sound.


   - Had the teen best friends had NOT solved FLIP-FLOPS back in the February week from Philadelphia (which had been taped back in the summer), it would have been two years without any $100,000 winner. I would have put a progressive jackpot (ala WWTBAM's 2001 jackpot, which finally reached $2.18 million) where the jackpot would have increased $1,000 a week until it's claimed. Hey, it's Sony's money, after all!

   - I would cut the toss-ups. Two toss-ups before the maingame is excessive, IMHO.

   - I would bring back the 15 biggest winners from the season for a "Big Winners Week" at the season's end.  

   - The Jackpot Round should be progressive, as well. The first show: The Jackpot should begin at $5,000. Next (should not it be won): $5,250. Next: $5,500...and so on, until it's won, where it would be reset at $5,000.

   - I would upgrade the variety of the prizes in the Prize Puzzles. I know this was covered earlier, but it seemed each Prize Puzzle this season was played for a trip! How about, say, home makeover packages?

    Anyone agree with me?


    Don RUCKLES?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 11:01:20 AM by brianhenke »
Have yourself a round of sausage?


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2005, 12:06:29 PM »
Okay, as the guy who started this thread, I'm going to ask another deep and profound question.

You've all made your points, and the general consensus seems to be:

A : Dump the 2nd and 3rd Toss Up
B : Dump the No More Vowels and Final Spin gfx...

but everything else seems to be trivial.... progressive jackpots....dump the $1000 bonus for the final round.....better values on the wheel...

My question is this : Because there isn't a progressive bonus jackpot...because there aren't $2000 spaces on the wheel....because the prize puzzle is always for a trip.... why do you think the show isn't as good as it used to be? Most, if not all of the things you'd like to see, were never there to begin with!

So before we get any more off topic with individuals adding their fantasy suggestions to a better wheel, what's the gripe with the current version????


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2005, 12:08:05 PM »
Every time my family watches "Wheel" it seems, I always go off on a rant on how they screwed up the show and how I'd fix it.

1) Only one Toss-Up: Introduce the contestants, then go into the Toss-Up to decide who starts the game, and have it be worth $500.

2) No more pointless graphics: They're annoying more than anything to me. Is it really necessary to have the entire screen taken up with a noisy graphic announcing that this is the final spin of the day?

3) Roll back the set a few years: I know I've said this before, I've even shared some ideas I whipped up in Paint. And I'm gonna do it again. Go here if you'd like to see what I'd do to the contestant area.

4) Get rid of the Bonus Wheel: And bring back the W-H-E-E-L thing.

5) Change the values of the wheels in the main game: Here's what I'd do for that:
A) Top dollar value in round one is $1,000 with the second highest amount at $750.
B) Top value in round two is $2,500 with the $1,000 space kept on the wheel.
C) Top value in round three is $3,750 with the second highest space set at $1,500.
D) Top value in round four is $5,000, keep the $1,500 space and add a $2,000 space.

6) Get rid of the Mystery Round: Simple enough.

7) Lost the Prize Puzzles: How I forgot to add this in my original post is beyond me.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 12:58:50 PM by HairMetalLives »

Jimmy Owen

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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2005, 12:15:56 PM »
I think that familiarity breeds contempt.  Sure it's a good show, but imagine if it had been a marginal ratings performer.  Instead of 20 years of the same show in prime access, we may have had more opportunities for different game shows to be placed in the slot.  The superficial history of prime access as far as gameshows are concerned is 71-80 10-15 different shows, 80-84 Feud and TTD or TJW, 84-2005 (and beyond) Wheel and J!
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2005, 12:53:33 PM »
Well as for me, the only thing about Wheel that gets me is that this show gives just too much of everything when you don't really do anything.  

For example, on Jeopardy!, you have to know something or have a whole lot of knowledge to earn your keep.  

TPIR, you should know something about grocery products, and prices of things that go on in everyday life i.e (cars, trips, prizes, etc.)  

Family Feud, you should guess the most popular answer to a survey of 100 people and do this in a back-and-forth battle with another team.  

Card Sharks, they tested your ability to judge human nature and then the element of luck was either with you or against you.  

On Wheel though, they just give stuff away. $10,000 Gift Certificates, $1000 Gift Certificates,  Prize Puzzles, Toss-Up puzzles, $6000 in the final spin and guess what, call the right letter and win at least $20,000 and puts you in first place just to go to the bonus round and win more money,  not prizes but more money.  Not that this is a bad thing but it gets so routine to see a prize puzzle every other day (which awards a player for solving the puzzle another prize on top of what he actually .  I think what turned me off from Wheel is when they added the Toss-Up puzzles, I think that ruined the flow of the game, not to mention the way-to-easy money that is awarded for solving a toss-up puzzle.  Heck in the good ole days, you could have a long puzzle and spin crappy $$ amounts and the most you could win would be what? $4000 tops.  If it was cash only.  Now you get $3000 on the third toss-up puzzle of the night.  If MMS had attacked one game show in the last few years, it's Wheel of Fortune.  

I would prefer to watch an episode of Wheel (pre-2001 years) before all of this took place.  Other than that, Wheel is a good show, still no.1 in the ratings, production values are great, it keeps up with the times and technology. It still takes at least a year to get on the show.  Wheel is alright.  I just think that in a game show you have to earn something rather than just hand it to you on a silver platter...brought to you by Zatarans Dirty Rice or The Room Store.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 01:30:33 PM by 14gameshows »


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2005, 01:55:04 PM »
So before we get any more off topic with individuals adding their fantasy suggestions to a better wheel, what's the gripe with the current version????

Since "it's not like they used to do it" won't cut the mustard...the show has become a parody of what it used to be: whooshing graphics, tense music beds under various game elements (which no shows had until "Millionaire" did that...), contestants yelling and hollering all the time...

Wheel was at least tolerable when the contestants (and wheel) were more subdued.  The wheel was colorful without being garish, the contestants were a mix of good gameplay and excitement, and Pat's comments were actually funny once in a while.

I think that something more than "the wheel needs to have a $745 spot, vowels need to increase according to the inflation index" and all this other stuff is necessary, but some changes would be nice to make it a fairer game.  I get that it's a wheel, and that means some luck is involved, but it can still be a good game too.  The final round either decides the winner, with the previous rounds meaning nothing, or the final round being time for a snack run because the leader is up by twenty grand, and Pat spins $350.  Parity (is that right?) would be welcome on the wheel.

Was this closer to what you had in mind, Matt?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 11:45:28 PM by TLEberle »
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2005, 02:51:07 PM »
One thing Travis mentioned that I definitely agree with: The categories are WAY too easy. We should go back to Thing, Title, Place, Person, Fictional Character, Phrase, maybe keep the Before & After. I fear in a few years we'll see the category "Word ending in -ictionary".

The reason I brought up the wheel spaces is because Wheel had a "We wanna give away more money!" phase a few years ago. The upgrading of wheel values is the best I can do to answer the question. (BTW that intro wheel with the 1500 also has a 2000 on it.)

Yes, buying vowels is way too easy today. I would like to see the $200 and $150 spaces come back, because the 300+ makes the game too easy. The whole fun of the game is to be able to figure out a puzzle with a limited number of letters revealed. Maybe it's time for vowel inflation, I don't know. With the current configuration of today, $500 per vowel seems sufficient.

If any of you saw the old Woolery version of wheel (either by tape trade or first-run), you'll remember that when time was running out, Chuck licked his finger and actually aimed for the big one. Rumors have it he rarely missed, too! I'm not necessarily suggesting to send Pat to spinning school, but it'd be fun to watch if he aimed and tried to help out the contestant that was down $23000 to Squat.

I believe the extra graphics are simply a waste of time that could be used for gameplay. With syndication for game shows, you have to do the extra ads in order to make enough money. So, I do like seeing the prizes and gift certificates on the wheel. Just don't over-do the commercial on it.


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2005, 05:37:19 PM »
I'll add my two cents here because I worked on a concept in 2003.
Set: The video wall behind the players will be eliminated. The red, yellow and blue backdrops behind the players will return with some new futuristic design, maybe based on a diamond pattern similar to the one used in early 1990s. There will be chasing lights and backdrop behind the red/yellow/blue pattern. The electronic puzzle board will be retained, but moved closer to the wheel so there is not so much empty space between them like now.
Pat and Vanna will enter stage center from a raised area of the stage. A circle-shaped door will open and they will travel down several steps before meeting on a Wheel of Fortune logo center stage. The hosts will exchange a few words and then they separate. Then, the game will begin:
Theme Music: A new orchestration largely based on the 1992-1994 theme; with some 1989 variations mixed in will replace the current theme.
Toss-Up: This round will change slightly. The value of the puzzle will start at $3,000 and decrease by $500 after a few letters are filled to a minimum value of $1,000. After someone has buzzed in and successful solved the puzzle, they will earn control.
In a departure from previous years, there will be no contestant interviews at this point. I’ve found that this part of the show seems to drag and I would prefer to get right into the game.
At the end of the first round, Pat will chat briefly with the winning player. He will stay at his post. I’m eliminating his walk over to the player to save time.
The second round is still the Jackpot Round and a prize is added to the wheel as well as a second bankrupt.
Pat will chat briefly with the winning player after this round ends and then go to commercial unless it is the same person who won round one.
Round 3 will feature the Mystery Round as before. Pat will chat briefly with either one or two players that have not won rounds before it begins and then Charlie will describe the car featured on the wheel in the Mystery Round.
Round 4 will be preceded by a Toss-Up as Round 1 was and the winning player starts.
The purpose of cutting down on the contestant interviews, Pat’s walk to the winning contestants and eliminating one Toss-Up is to make sure we get four full rounds completed on at least most of the shows. Right now, the Speed-Up round is often happening right after the third Toss-Up on many shows.
Other changes are buying a vowel will cost $500. There is also a $500 penalty for guessing a letter that is already in the puzzle and $1,000 penalty for an incorrect puzzle solution.
Also, I totally agree with the lack of a gradually increase in money. In Round 1, I would have values of $300-$2,500 with a $1,000 and  Round 1 would have the $10,000 wedge. In Round 2, a $3,500 would replace my $1,000 space.

The Wheel also gets a complete makeover with new configurations and a revised color scheme. Here is lineup starting at Bankrupt and moving counterclockwise.
I tried to cut down on the abundance of $300 spaces on the wheel and have a $1,000 and $2,500 space on the wheel at the same time.
I would add two new discs to the wheel in Rounds 1 and 2. In Round 1, “2-For-1” basically gives players a chance to guess two letters on one turn for the same dollar configuration. If they land on it and guess a letter in the puzzle, they pick it up and hold on to when they want to use it. They must tell Pat they’re going to use it before they spin. In Round 2, a disc called “Double Up” will give the person who has it a chance to double the amount of money in their bank at the end of the round. If they land on it and guess a letter in the puzzle that’s there, they get to pick it up. If they can hold onto it until they end of the round without hitting a bankrupt and successfully solve the puzzle, they will double whatever is in their bank for that round.
In Round 3, I would swap out half of the wheel with new configurations ranging $300 to $5,000 with a $1,500 and $3,500 space there.
The adding $1,000 to the final spin is retained, but the annoying think music played is dropped or severely quieted.
Pat goes over to congratulate the winners and losers. Then, the winning contestant takes a walk and meets Vanna as she comes center stage and helps Charlie with prize descriptions, which are done before the commercial break.
In the bonus rain, I would add more spaces for $30,000 and $35,000 are added. Right now there are about 12 $25K, one for each of $30K, $35K and $40K, $45K and $50K and $100K.
The annoying music they added for the walk from the bonus wheel to the spot for the puzzle solve is eliminated. Also, the 10-second bonus music is canned and only the doo-dee, doo-dee sound effect music is retained.
In the most radical move, the Pat/Vanna banter right after the commercial after the Bonus Round will be eliminated. Pat and Vanna will congratulate the winning contestant and sign off like Bob Barker does on The Price is Right or Richard Karn does right after the bonus round on Family Feud. I always thought it was pointless to go to commercial and then come back and sign off. Wheel used to end after the bonus round in the humble beginnings.
The top three players of the week will be brought back on Friday for the Friday Finals as was done from 1996-1998. On this show, the time will be cut a little short allowing for end-of-the-week banter between Pat and Vanna.
Also, the number of theme weeks like “Wheel Goes to the Movies” will be reduced to occasional status.
There will also be a tournament of champions at the end of the season. The top nine money winners will return and be randomly selected to compete on the first three shows of the week. The top three money winners will compete in a two-day final. There will be no bonus rounds on the last two shows. However, the winner will receive a $100,000 bonus. Everyone keeps all money won.


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2005, 05:53:33 PM »
Wow.  I'll break down the problems after I get off work.
And as promised...

In a departure from previous years, there will be no contestant interviews at this point. I’ve found that this part of the show seems to drag and I would prefer to get right into the game.
At the end of the first round, Pat will chat briefly with the winning player. He will stay at his post. I’m eliminating his walk over to the player to save time.
So he's not going to talk to them, and then not talk to them?
However, the winner will receive a $100,000 bonus.
Why, why, WHY do people insist on giving away more money? It's like we TRIPLED THE--errm never mind.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 01:03:42 AM by Modor »
Phil 4:13


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You Produce "Wheel"
« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2005, 07:17:36 PM »
[quote name=\'Strikerz04\' date=\'Jun 5 2005, 04:46 PM\'][quote name=\'jbrocato\' date=\'Jun 5 2005, 03:55 PM\']I would mix in a few intermediate dollar values in the $1000-$2000 range, but to make more variety, bring back some cheapies, perhaps even a $50 or $100 space in Round 1.  There should be a few spaces that are worth less than the cost of a vowel.

John Brocato

What you're asking is going back to the CBS days...bah!


Not quite.  The whole CBS wheel was cheap with practically every other space $100.  The final round had a top space of $1250; the second highest was only $750.  My idea would include spaces like $1000, $1500, $2000, along with the top-dollar space, but throw in a couple of low numbers.

John Brocato