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Author Topic: Game Show Moments Gone Bananas  (Read 3648 times)

Jeremy Nelson

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Game Show Moments Gone Bananas
« on: June 25, 2005, 03:05:05 AM »
I remember watching one episode in the Game Show Moments Gone Bananas series and they were counting down the top 5 blonde moments throughout the show. I was really hoping to see these two Newlywed Game moments score near the top:

Bob asks the wives, "What is the last thing your husband does before he goes to bed?" I'm not sure of the order of the bizzare answers that this lady gave, but she ended up with the answer, "He smiles at me". Unfortunately, her hubby had equal difficulty answering this question as well.

This moment is what I call "Jessica Simpson of the 60s". Bob asked the wives if their husbands were more urban or rural. This one particuar wife didn't know what either meant, so Bob, being the devil that he is, decided to string her along, which resulted in this wife's belief that "urban" was a kind of ailment or disease. It was a true blonde moment.

My only other belief is that this series could have easily been done in either two or three episodes. Their need to constantly use Family Feud/Fortunes as a crutch to constantly crank out new specials does not sit well with me. They take up too much time, and the majority of these have been seen on previous specials. By the way, it seemed as though they were merely trying to send episodes of UK Distraction throught hese specials because many of them weren't that funny to me.

There's a lot of funny material out there, and they found a great deal of it. I just think that quality is more important than quantity. In other words... CUT BACK ON THE FEUD! It is an unnecessary addition to what otherwise is a healthy helping of game show moments.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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Game Show Moments Gone Bananas
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2005, 03:33:17 AM »
NG is not a Goodson/Fremantle show. The Bananas specials contained only shows owned by Fremantle.
Joe Coughlin     