[quote name=\'Don Howard\' date=\'Jun 12 2005, 07:10 AM\']You need to leave. Good bye, good luck, God bless you, here's a carton of Winston's.
Naw, he doesn't. I've dealt with his type before. Believe me, I can handle this.

[quote name=\'NKIT\' date=\'Jun 12 2005, 08:05 AM\']Check the topic, genius.
Read the following really slowly so you'll be certain to understand it. With the exception of "anecdote" and "relevant", I tried my best to use simple words:
If I put up a post entitled "Concentration Double Play", and asked someone who remembered better than I did how many seconds the contestant got in the round (yes, I already know, Zach), and some idiot replied that the contestant had to solve 2 puzzles to win, and followed it up with some anecdote about how their Aunt Martha was on the show once but failed to win Double Play, would that be relevant?
If your answer is "yes", then you have a lot to learn about how message boards work, and should probably go back to AOL for further instruction.
If your answer is "no", then you can tell me what the difference is between that and Henke's waste of bandwidth.
And thank you for recognizing my genius.