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Author Topic: Today's TV Game Show Almanac  (Read 5367 times)


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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« on: June 14, 2005, 11:35:58 AM »
It was, as Chris Lambert called, “one of the most tear-filled goodbyes in TV history.”

Family Feud, the Mark Goodson game show wherein 2 families matched wits against a public opinion poll refereed by Richard Dawson, and an ABC Daytime staple for 9 years, aired for the 2,311th and last time.

The End began with host Richard Dawson entering to a standing ovation which got him emotional. The Murphy Family (the champs) took on The Mackin Family. (Both got black-stemmed lollipops, each earning themselves an extra $100!) The first question asked was “Name something mothers make children wear for protection,” for which the most popular answer was “Coat“. The Mackins defeated The Murphys with $504 and copped an extra $5000 in the final Fast Money Round. During this round, Dawson, rarely joking anymore due to his moroseness, managed to crack one when he asked, “How old you think Ronald Reagan looks?”; when the contestant replied “80” (which 5 people said), Dawson quipped: “I hope a crisis comes up internationally so that The President doesn’t see our last show, ‘cause both you and I will be sent to Grenada!” The #1 answer, incidentally, was “60.” He added, “I’d say he looks about 65; I think his neck looks about 90!”

The final moments saw Tricky Dick Dawson alone on the empty, barren Feud set, making a long, tearful farewell speech:


“I've had the most incredible luck in my career. I've done lots and lots of jobs, and I've never, ever had a job like Family Feud. I've never dreamed I would ever have a job where so many people could touch me and I could touch them. And it was a great magic about this show that I've never seen on any other show. I want to publicly acknowledge Howard Felsher, who is our Executive Producer. He was a producer in the beginning of this show, and he helped steer and guide the way that we went. And he and I fall a lot of times, but I tell you that he's important and I should acknowledge him, because he's the one, with me, that, we said, ‘Let anybody come on this show, anyone that can play this game, no matter what color or creed, no matter if they're in a wheelchair or they have no sight.’ And we've had everybody on this show, and he was very, very important in that and I acknowledge and thank him for it.

“I thanked my crew, and I thanked my director already. I had the best staff you've ever dreamed of. You can't...but you don't have to dream of them, ‘cause I'm gonna take them with me. Even if I never work again, they'll just be near me. They are so special and wonderful. ABC, Jackie Smith, Wally Weltman, Joe C. Albeth; they kept us on the air probably a year more than they should have, ‘cause we weren't really helping them. You know, our ratings weren't that good, and they were so great. They buried themselves carrying us, and I love them for that, not that I wanted to hurt 'em, 'cause I love 'em. They were good people. There were people I know that got upset that I kiss people; I kiss them for luck and love, that's all. That's what my mother did to me. There were people upset that I would embrace or hug someone of a different color. The first time I ever saw people of any color was when D-Day left from my hometown in England, to go and free Europe in the war. And there was every color you could imagine, and I'd not seen that in England! And I'd asked my mother about it; I said, ‘Is there something wrong?’ She said, ‘God...God makes people. You understand that, don't you?’ And I said, ‘Yeah!’ She said, ‘Who makes a rainbow?’ I said, ‘God.’ She said, ‘I never presumed to tell anyone who could make a rainbow what color to make children.’ And she changed my whole life with that statement.

Aaron Handy III - ah07_1999@yahoo.com

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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 11:37:01 AM »
“All I can tell you is, this has been a very special 9 years of my life! If I never do another thing, I've met the good, sweet people of the world. So I leave you, with love, and for the little girl that, 9 years ago, I first signed to--I guess she's 13, now--I'll think of you every day. God bless all the little children in the world. Thank you.”


Family Feud at its finest. As Gene Wood wrapped up the fee plugs, he intoned, “Thank you, Richard; thank you, America.” The short credits crawl superimposed over the audience giving yet another standing ovation as a wet-cheeked, grief-beset Richard Dawson stood pulling tissues from a Kleenex box (provided by a stage hand), comforted by his daughter-in-law, Cathy Hughart Dawson, the show's producer, as The Feud breathed its last gasp. Interestingly, the credits rolled without music--though there was a slight hint of melancholy piano music heard before the final fadeout...

The syndicated nighttime edition of The Feud continued for 3 months after, before wrapping up in September after 8 years (1977-85), thus lowering the curtain on the first chapter of Family Feud. In its 9 year existence, 2,311 network daytime shows (1976-1985), 976 syndicated evening ˝ -hour shows (1977-1985), and 17 ABC primetime 1-hour specials (1978-1984) had been produced, with $1,557,150 given away to charity on 170 celebrity specials on the daytime and nighttime shows, and $14,833,000 won by contestants.

But within 3 years, a new chapter of The Feud would open, on a new network…and with a new host!
Aaron Handy III - ah07_1999@yahoo.com

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aaron sica

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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 11:39:54 AM »
[quote name=\'AH3RD\' date=\'Jun 14 2005, 11:37 AM\']But within 3 years, a new chapter of The Feud would open, on a new network…and with a new host!

Actually, it would be "a little over 3 years", as ABC Feud went off June 1985, and CBS Feud bowed July 4, 1988.


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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 12:11:56 PM »
In a much earlier thread, a few of us (Jimmy Owen, That Don Guy [to distinguish from the 18 other Dons who are on here ;-)] and yours truly) mentioned that it seemed like the final FF that aired on ABC in our markets (and those markets I believe housed ABC O&O stations at the time) was for all intents and purposes a "normal" show.  I never saw that speech until it was aired on GSN during the Y2Play marathon.

So time to revisit a question that was asked but may have gotten lost in the shuffle [or the answer might very well be "no"]).  Does anyone actually recall having seen Dawson make that speech in 1985?  It's very plausible that ABC, because of that speech, pulled the episode and replaced it with a more "normal" episode.  There was also speculation that news events of the time might have caused a one-day delay (put your hand down, Zach, you were the one who told us initially), and ABC opted to just run the Thursday episode on Friday and never aired the finale (which would've been a network call, not a local station call).

So back to the question at hand--anyone actually remember having seen the speech before there ever was a GSN?

« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 12:14:07 PM by SRIV94 »
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)

Ian Wallis

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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 12:29:47 PM »
I don't know if this helps or not, but the copy in the trade curcuit before GSN aired it came from a studio master.  Most shows from that time period that weren't aired on GSN came from somebody recording the broadcast on a VCR.  Maybe this only existed in a studio master because there was no broadcast to record if ABC never aired it.  

I can just imagine fans of the show who didn't see the finale trying to tune into it the following Monday and not finding it - possibly with no explanation as to why it wasn't on.  I haven't seen the whole final week - did Dawson mention anything about it being the end on any of the other shows that week?
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Don Howard

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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2005, 01:20:00 PM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' date=\'Jun 14 2005, 11:11 AM\']So back to the question at hand--anyone actually remember having seen the speech before there ever was a GSN?
By June 14 '85, WEWS-TV 5, Cleveland's ABC affiliate had stopped carrying the show. BUT! WAKC-TV Channel 23, ABC's Akron affiliate which was received by my cable carrier, did clear FF at the protracted 11:30am time. I taped it that morning and watched it that evening after returning from work. Not mention of it being the last show, no big ovation at the beginning, no overblown finale at the end. Now you know how it played in my hometown. Your city may vary.


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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2005, 02:19:26 PM »
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' date=\'Jun 14 2005, 08:39 AM\']Actually, it would be "a little over 3 years", as ABC Feud went off June 1985, and CBS Feud bowed July 4, 1988.
But, hey, would it be an Aaron Handy Almanac post without a factual error? :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

aaron sica

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Today's TV Game Show Almanac
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2005, 03:15:13 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jun 14 2005, 02:19 PM\'][quote name=\'aaron sica\' date=\'Jun 14 2005, 08:39 AM\']Actually, it would be "a little over 3 years", as ABC Feud went off June 1985, and CBS Feud bowed July 4, 1988.
But, hey, would it be an Aaron Handy Almanac post without a factual error? :)

Of course not! :)

The funny thing is, on some entries, I've had to correct him two years in a row. :)