[quote name=\'Timsterino\' date=\'Aug 10 2003, 03:43 AM\'] Hey Chris,
I bought it here:
http://store.yahoo.com/i-software/104688.htmlIt is the only place on the web I saw it available. They ship via Fedex ground and my total with shipping is $40.90. I saw them on eBay but in most cases they actually were more money.
Thanks for the tip. I found one, sealed, on an Ebay auction (I would have found Bits.com had I thought to search \"Dragons Lair\" in addition to \"Dragon's Lair\", and for someone who prides himself on his ability to do an effective Google search this is inexcusable, but hey, it was three in the morning), so I ended up paying a few bucks more, as you said, but I don't mind too much as I've been wanting those DVD's for a LONG time, and I've been under the impression that they were out of print, so as long as I wasn't buying used ones at thirty a shot I figure I'm doing OK. Brand new, under $20 each, I'm fine with

Hopefully someone else who wants 'em reads these messages and can save a few bones in the process.
(BTW, now that I think to check my favorite search engine for these things, DVDPriceSearch.com, I see that DeepDiscountDVD (who I have done much business with) has it for $35.26, free shipping. Lesson: Think before Ebaying at three in the morning.