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Author Topic: When Does Race Start on GSN?  (Read 4301 times)


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When Does Race Start on GSN?
« on: June 28, 2005, 02:10:05 PM »
I know it's coming out on DVD as well, but when does Race Season 1 start on GSN?

A friend of mine up the street was just introduced to the show, and wants to see the earlier seasons, so I figured I'd  tape 'em off GSN.  I'm also trying to get her to apply for the show as she's a bit cultured in  the way of the world, has been to many countries, and speaks a few languages.  



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When Does Race Start on GSN?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2005, 02:16:20 PM »
GSN's press release mentions a July 11 start date.  9PM E/P.

Queen of Nerdocrombesia

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When Does Race Start on GSN?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2005, 02:59:48 PM »
Keep in mind that when the new series of TAR is run on CBS this fall, GSN will move their reairs to another timeslot to avoid a head-to-head dilemma.

But for the summer, and for the run of probably the first 3 or so series, MCArroyo1's right.

I don't know if any other cities have promotion this heavy, but other New Yorkers on this board can probably attest to the bombardment of telephone booth posters and taxi-top ads for TAR.  It's not unusual to see 3 taxis with TAR ads in a row.  With a poster in the distance.

Despite my leanings toward the classics, I actually like this show.  It ranks only below Anderson Cooper's The Mole & Mole 2: The Next Betrayal series for my pick of the genre.

"These days, if a show doesn't make it in a couple of weeks, it goes out in the alley.  Faith has become too expensive."

--Garry Moore, 1979

Ian Wallis

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When Does Race Start on GSN?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2005, 09:23:11 AM »
Despite my leanings toward the classics, I actually like this show. It ranks only below Anderson Cooper's The Mole & Mole 2: The Next Betrayal series for my pick of the genre.

"The Mole" was my favorite reality show too.  I think one of the reasons it wasn't a hit is that it required the viewer to pay too much attention.  You can have shows like "Survivor" or "Amazing Race" just in the background and still be able to tell what's going on.

I'm glad that "Amazing Race" has become a big hit.  I think it's the best reality show on television right now.
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