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Author Topic: Special on reality & game shows  (Read 2798 times)


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Special on reality & game shows
« on: August 14, 2003, 03:56:36 PM »
Just got this:

BURBANK - August 13, 2003 - Bravo explores the world of reality television and the every-day-people-turned pop icons by this genre in a five-part documentary series \"The Reality of Reality,\" set to air September 8, 2003 at 9-10 p.m. (ET). Narrated by Kyle MacLachlan, the series will air concurrently throughout the week of September 8.

The documentary series reviews the current trend of reality television series, referring to such current brands as NBC's \"Fear Factor, \"Survivor\" and \"The Bachelor,\" as well as examining the history of the genre, the scandals and the 15 minute celebrities created in its wake.  

The episodes:

§\"The Reality of Reality: How Real is Real? - The unseen side of reality television and the producers behind it, exposing some of the best-kept secrets in Hollywood. The episode features interviews with Ytossie Patterson of \"Temptation Island,\" Sarah Kozer of \"Joe Millionaire,\" Jacqueline Kelly of \"Manhunt,\" Joel Klug of \"Survivor,\" Jerri Manthey of \"Survivor\" and \"The Surreal Life,\" Danny Wolf, Producer of \"Busted on the Job\" and investigative reporter Peter Lance. From basic fudging to recreating footage all the way down to federal charges.

§ \"The Reality of Reality: Behind the Scenes\" - From conception to post production, this episode provides an in-depth look inside the genre that has revolutionized television. Featuring interviews from some of Reality TV's top producers, casting directors, editors and stunt producers including: \"Survivor\" executive producer Mark Burnett, \"Fear Factor\" executive producer Matt Kunitz, \"Big Brother\" executive producers Arnold Shapiro and Allison Grodner, \"Survivor\" host Jeff Probst and Cord Keller, the director of \"Survivor.\"

§ \"The Reality of Reality: America's Instant Idols\"
- This installment explores the reality \"personality\" - ordinary people doing extraordinary things for the chance to become a star. Some of reality TV's most memorable stars share their stories, including Justin Guarini of \"American Idol,\" Jerri Manthey of \"Survivor,\" Dr. Will Kirby, M.D. of \"Big Brother 2,\" Alex Michel of \"The Bachelor,\" Eric Nies of \"The Real World,\" Richard Hatch of \"Survivor,\" Danny Bonaduce, Gladys Sanabria of \"Road Rules 7,\" Joel Klug of \"Survivor\" and Monica Bailey of \"Big Brother 2.\" The episodes reveal what happens when reality celebrities hit minute 16 on the 15 minutes of fame ride.

§ \"The Reality of Reality: Everything New is Old\" - From
\"Truth or Consequences\" to \"Survivor,\" this episode poses the question: is reality really new? Examining the genesis of reality with moments from your popular shows and interviews from reality veterans and historians such as Bob Barker of \"Truth or Consequences,\" John De Mol of Endemol, Steven Chao formerly a Fox executive, Gary Owens host of \"The Gong Show,\" Craig Gilbert producer of \"An American Family,\" John Langley producer of \"Cops,\" and Jonathon Murray producer of \"Real World.\" This show succinctly shows how today's reality series are nothing but the next evolution of yesterday's reality programs, dating back to one of the first television shows ever to go over the airwaves.

§ \"The Reality of Reality: Outrageous Worldwide TV\" - A look into the international reality television market and outrageous series from around the globe. See where and how reality television began in this shocking, bizarre and often hilarious program that examines how far television can push sexual, moral and cultural boundaries all over the world. The episode features interviews with John de Mol, creator of \"Big Brother\"; Anna Brakenhielm, Sweden's \"Queen of Reality TV\"; international media consultant Gary Carter; Brian Dowling, winner of \"Big Brother 2\"; in the United Kingdom; and the first-ever reality show winner, Martin Melin, of \"Expedition Robinson\" in Sweden (the first-ever \"Survivor\").



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Special on reality & game shows
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2003, 06:10:27 PM »
Someone else who's been interviewed for the show--the noted proprietor of a game show web site whose name need not be mentioned at this time.  Needless to say, he put the fact on said site.

Don't know if he was told that the producers of four of the five programs in this series were also the producers of \"The RuPaul Show\"--and if he would've stayed for the interview if he found that out.


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Special on reality & game shows
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2003, 07:07:21 PM »
This special sounds really interesting, and I'm looking forward to it.

I will say that the definition of \"reality TV\" is certainly debatable.  My definition of \"reality TV\" is based on how little (not \"how much\") influence the production crew puts on their subjects.  The more contrived the situation is, the less \"real\" it feels to me.

IMO, Cops is the most text-book case of \"reality TV\" on the air right now.  The cameras simply follow the officers around and show little, if any, influence on the events that unfold.  All the other shows that claim to be \"reality\" shows put people in a contrived situation, and then sit back and tape what happens.

In fact, as more shows come out, I find myself categorizing them, and most are veering away from the label of true \"reality,\" IMO.

You have...
* Talent competitions: American Idol, Star Search, etc.
* Dating/Relationship shows: Joe Millionaire, The Bachelor(ette), etc.
* Home improvement/remodeling shows: Trading Spaces, While You Were Out, Monster House/Garage, etc.
* Makeover shows: Queer Eye..., Extreme Makeover
* Voyeurism/\"A Day in the Life of...\" shows: The Real World, The Osbournes, Anna Nicole..., etc.  (Perhaps the closest category to true \"reality.\")
And of course: * \"Reality\" Game shows: The Amazing Race, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Mole  (I consider Fear Factor to be more of a \"stunt game show\" than a \"reality game show.\")
...and others.

I hope that they stick to the shows listed in the press release (Cops, The Real World, etc.), and that they don't claim that \"traditional\" game shows like WoF and TPiR are \"reality shows.\"  (I've seen TV reports that labelled WWTBAM as a \"reality show\" and that it sparked the current TV craze because it had \"real\" people as the stars.  Puh-leaze!)

This craze is just a case of TV executives jumping on the bandwagon.  Remember that things are cyclical, and that these shows will go away after a while, especially after a bunch of crappy ones go on the air, like right now.

P.S. The Oxford Dictionary will never call the Professor to tell him that the words \"game operas\" and \"relatiodocudatermentaries\" are accepted in their books, no matter how hard he tries.

Dean Scungio
dscungio@worldnet.att.net (dscungio@worldnet.att.net)
AIM & Y!: dascungio (Note the \"a\"!)

\"It's not how much we give away,
it's the way we do it.\" -Monty Hall


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Special on reality & game shows
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2003, 07:41:45 PM »
[quote name=\'uncamark\' date=\'Aug 14 2003, 05:10 PM\']Don't know if he was told that the producers of four of the five programs in this series were also the producers of \"The RuPaul Show\"--and if he would've stayed for the interview if he found that out.[/quote]
\"Media whore\" vs \"Man of moral dignity\". Who will win. I say it comes up \"whammy\"    ;-)

But seriously, folks... I'm happy to see that this Bravo special recognizes that shows like \"TorC\", \"Gong\" (aka \"Amateur Hour\"), \"This Is Your Life\", \"Candid Camera\", and Linkletter's \"House Party\" were the birth of \"reality TV\". And indeed they were all spun from radio. Sometimes the cycles are so long people forget it's all already been done. In my opinion \"TorC\" was more real than the \"reality\" on today; at least it was live, unedited and never re-created.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2003, 07:43:02 PM by tvrandywest »