Since school started the next day, our local summer fair was ending and I think that's where we were, because I have no memory of watching any of the premieres.
I guess a lot of it depends on what age you were. Since I grew up in the '70s, I was watching all of these shows for the first time - so they all seemed new and exciting. At that time, I had no idea "Price is Right" was originally on in the '50s and '60s. I had never seen the original verison of "Password", and that's also likely why I preferred the '70s version of "You Don't Say" over the '60s version.
Viewers probably thought the show had a nice variety to it with all these new pricing games - that it was a neat update to an old favorite. They also likely thought it was a great chance to win more money and prizes than the original daytime version. And hey...that music they're using is kind of catchy!
Speaking of Labor Day 1972, we have the premieres of "Joker's Wild" and "Price is Right" in the trade curcuit. Now, if somebody could just find us "Gambit" we'd be all set!