Matching Munchies '05Just incase there aren't any Big Brother fans out there, you may want to check out the Saturday edition of CBS' "BIG BROTHER" where they mocked up one of our favorite game shows MATCH GAME '7x for a food competition.
As you'll see in the link above, they did a bang up job on the set (Kudos to CBS-E for some great work on the show thus far) and even went as far as to write up classic questions such as these:
The frustrated baker blamed his girlfriend when his _____ refused to rise.
Dumb Doris was so dumb she flew to France to get French ______.
The grocery clerk was so hands on, one customer complained that he tried to grab her _________.
It'll be interesting to see how they edit it together - the game took over 40 minutes to play, even with "staged retakes", and everyone was pre-placed - don't be fooled by the editing where they will make you think it was the contestant's choice.