I know. What's this guy smoking again?
Anyhow, I had this thought of a few months back but never did really put any of my ideas on paper until now.
We all know H2 had "Game Show Week". An interesting week featuring game show celebs. I thought that even if at one time all of these game shows at one time or another were actually competing for ratings, it was classy to have a game show actually celebrating other game shows (or in this case game show mc's and hosts).
Well, let's take it one step further... incorporate a "Game Show" week on TPIR. This would consist of pricing games and each pricing game would be related to a particular game show. I had it so that the pricing game would reminist a particular segment of a classic game show series (usually a game show that was popular or that many people would recall).
I originally had the idea of temporarily replacing all 6 pricing games with "Game Show week"-themed pricing games. If it would be too overwealming of a change, I would change it to only replacing 1 pricing game instead of replacing all 6. Here's an example of what the first day might look like:
Pricing game 1: TPIR celebrates Let's Made a Deal. The pricing game "Zonk!"
7 pricing items are placed side-by-side. The contestant must soft them from the least expensive to the most expensive. (Like "hole in one" but without the golf)
If all correct, the contestant wins 2000$ cash bonus and usually a moderately expensive prize (like a trip). If they miss, Bob would count how many the contestant got correct and give a cash prize of $200 for every item that was correct. Then the contestant could then either keep the cash or surrender it to a prize behind door #1 or door #2. (a door may have a prize of around 1500-2000$ value. Could be anything like a tv, spa or something. The other door would have a "zonk"... may be a true zonk but if that's too harsh, could have a year's supply of creamettes instead)
Pricing game #2: TPIR Celebrates Gambit (or High Rollers)
Play for a new car. Standard Gambit bonus round. Roll the dice to make the numbers 1 thru 9 and you win the car. All Gambit rules apply. If you lose, win a $ amount by adding all the numbers you did get and multiply by 100. You could win as much as 4400$ (if you got all of them except the 1).
Pricing game #3: TPIR celebrates Card Sharks (NOT the 2001 version)
Standard money cards. Play for $$. I want to know what rules version you would like but I myself would be happy with Perry's or Eubanks versions.
Pricing game #4: TPIR celebrates Treasure hunt.
1/2 off would be suitable for this. No need for a new game. A twist could be added though. A car is won as well if the contestant can guess correctly where the $$$ is hidden before any boxes go away. If the $$ is there... game is over and contestant wins $$ and car. If not, game continues as per normal.
Pricing game #5: TPIR celebrates Classic Concentration
Standard bonus game. Play for a car. Start with 30 seconds. 3 small prizes can then win added seconds (10 extra seconds for each right prize). The rules to win the smaller prizes can be anything (I'll just use the "Spelling Bee" format as an example but it could be higher/lower or wrong/right price too).
Pricing game #6: have no idea on this one yet. You can let me know if there's a bonus round that would work as a standard TPIR pricing game or something similar within a format of another game show. I had TJW in mind but I don't think it would work unless TPIR would build a giant slot-like machine which would be asking too much.
As well, if it goes well, TPIR might be able to keep some of the new pricing games on a standard schedule depending on how ratings, crowd reaction and contestant friendliness. I think even if there is no game show week, having a new pricing game in a format like one above might add new excitement to the existing pricing games. Pardon the spelling mistakes if any. Enjoy.