The show will be taped in NYC. With the lack of a high payout, they aren't going to get many people flying in from around the country to challenge Ken, so the challenge will be even greater for them.
This is a certainly understandable position, but I don't necessarily agree with that. WBSM certainly had a lot of formidable foes willing to try against Ben even with a low payout. I think the show needs to catch on a little bit first like WBSM did. Eventually, people will want to try out for the show not so much for the money (which will probably do nothing more than pay travel expenses) but to be able to say that they took on Ken Jennings and won. I knew a lot of people in high school when the show was popular who just wanted to play WBSM just to beat Ben; if KJ's show catches on, many others may be thinking the same thing.
And another thing: I noticed a lot of comments about the format of the show being flawed and how Ken is essentially going to wipe the floor with everyone. Two comments here:
1. What was reported for the pilot may not necessarily be the final format of the show. It may be tweaked. Plus, what looks horrible on paper may actually be a well-presented, well-executed game (ex. "Match Game '7x!"). I, for one, will not pass judgment until I actually see it on air.
2. Even if Ken wipes the floor with everyone, it's not that big a deal. I love "Stump the Schwab," for example, but only 4 out of 26 contestants who played the bonus round (not counting tournament games where no one beat him) actually did beat the Schwab this past season, and those who didn't got NOTHING for their efforts! Yet I love the show. Same goes with WBSM; I knew many people who watched it in its original run (including myself) and no one seemed to mind that Ben would win all but a handful of games each year. If the game and the show are entertaining enough, this potential "disaster" will be overshadowed, IMO.
I, for one, am looking very forward to seeing this show when it finally hits the air. I think it will be very enjoyable, but, then again, I'll hold my breath until I actually see it...

Thanks for reading!
