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Author Topic: TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City  (Read 16129 times)


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #45 on: August 22, 2005, 12:16:34 PM »
I saw the Friday night show.  I thought Marc was great as well, better than Todd Newton, but not overwhelmingly better (Todd was great too).  There was one slipup as Marc allowed a contestant to change an answer, but the producer later overruled him (in It's in the Bag).  Earlier in the Hole in One or Two game, he let the contestant change her answer and the producer didn't seem to mind.


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2005, 12:44:23 PM »
Well, looks like we're going to miss seeing marc, and our window of opportunity is going to be Setpember 4th - the 10th.  My guess is we'll go down on Labor DAy weekend, or the Sunday before.


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« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2005, 02:18:13 PM »
[quote name=\'MSTieScott\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 09:16 AM\']All I know is that in L.A., the rule is that you have to go by the first and last name that you would use as if you were filing your taxes that day.
Nice. So in order to make things more convenient for Fremantle, they can't afford me the simple courtesy (and it IS a simple courtesy) of using the name I wish to be called by. They have my Social Security number, that should be all they need, tax-wise. This is WHY SS numbers EXIST, even.

Strike TPiR from the list of potential game shows, I guess.

Does this crap happen in Canada? With each passing day I'm seeing fewer and fewer reasons why I want to be affiliated with this government. :P
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2005, 03:06:36 PM »
I think you're blowing this whole process way out of proportion.  The reason they make you use your legal first name is probably out of convenience.  Think of the shear volume of contestants TPiR processes daily.  It would add even MORE time to the interview process to ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON what name they want to use.

Requiring you to follow certain rules also puts in the back of your head the need to listen carefully to the name being called.

If you're not going to go see Price is Right solely because they won't let you go by whatever nickname you use...you're being moronic.  Lighten up.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 03:06:49 PM by jmangin »


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2005, 03:14:43 PM »
[quote name=\'jmangin\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 02:06 PM\']I think you're blowing this whole process way out of proportion.  The reason they make you use your legal first name is probably out of convenience.  Think of the shear volume of contestants TPiR processes daily.  It would add even MORE time to the interview process to ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON what name they want to use. [/quote]
Yeah.  Whatever.  "How do you want to be called?"  "Mark".  That's not that hard, is it?

Also, some people have some obscure names, for whatever reason, be it parents or religious preferences.  Do you really want to be called "Alakuzamah" when everyone in the world knows you as "Bob"?
Phil 4:13


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2005, 03:32:20 PM »
[quote name=\'jmangin\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 12:06 PM\']It would add even MORE time to the interview process to ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON what name they want to use.
The hell it would. ONE LINE on the application. "Legal Name For Tax Purposes" "Preferred Name You Wish To Be Called (If Any)". Simple, direct, and a COMMON COURTESY. If they're worried about contestants screwin' that up when they fill out the form, then maybe those folks shouldn't be contestants. God knows it would make a great moron filter where the show could prolly use one.
If you're not going to go see Price is Right solely because they won't let you go by whatever nickname you use...you're being moronic.  Lighten up.
I was waiting for this: Spoken like someone who didn't have to correct EVERY SINGLE teacher for a week (and sometimes the entire YEAR, when said teacher felt like being an asshat) for twelve years of schooling. Until you've been in those shoes, and you have some idea of how freakin' irritating that is, you are in no position to tell me to lighten up.

Am I boycotting the show altogether? No. Never said that. Would I remove myself from the contestant pool because they don't wish to afford me that common courtesy, and make sure they knew WHY? Absolutely I would. (Would they care? Prolly not. One more idiot in a B0B R00LZ T-shirt they can pick instead of me. But I'm gonna do my part to let them know, I'd be doing myself a disservice if I did anything else.) What interest do I have in my Big Moment on TV if I'm being called by a name I hate?

("So why don't you change your name, Chris?" Couple reasons. Too much hassle, mostly. Plus I don't trust Keepers Of Records not to completely screw things up in the process and have it bite me in the ass later; they do a fine enough job of that now with my name static. And, quite simply, I shouldn't have to. I have chosen to use "Chris Lemon" as my legal name (and my legal name and my birth name are two distinctly different things), and the world ought to damn well respect that.)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 03:37:58 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2005, 04:01:26 PM »
Who knew one little thing I said would turn into the end of the world for Chris Lemon.  I keed, I keed.

But, Chris I would say you're taking things at least a little too seriously.  It's all over a damn name!  If a name that makes you cream yourself or magically turns you into the Incredible Hulk upon Rich Fields saying "CAMMM ANNNN DOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!*" will completely prevent you being in the audience of the show, then all the better chance I have.  And, all the more weirder you become.

Listen, I'm not keen on being called "James".  But, hell you give me a chance to win money or a car, you can call me Jim, James, Jamie, Jameel, Jamar, and some unpronounceable multisyllabic name that is a combination of any of the names I mentioned.  

It's all done because of the simple concept of simplicity.  Remember, you didn't pay for the tickets (you may have paid for the airfare or gas, but to them that's a moot point), so in the end, you cater to them.  Maybe they give you more leeway in A.C. because the patrons there pay to see the show.  I didn't get the leeway, but hey no problem.  Then again, heh we got free tix.  Just a thought, kids.

Anyway, steering it back on a happier note, I'll probably put a page on my site dedicated to the experience, and when it's up I shall link y'all and let y'all know about it.

* - My interpretation of Rich's pronunciation of "Come on down!"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 04:03:26 PM by FOXSportsFan »


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2005, 04:09:57 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 12:32 PM\']Would I remove myself from the contestant pool because they don't wish to afford me that common courtesy, and make sure they knew WHY? Absolutely I would. (Would they care? Prolly not.
If you're kvetching to a page, they'll just shrug and politely tell you that they're only following orders.  If you're telling this to Stan and Scott out in line, you'll get a strange look and then they'll go backstage and laugh with everyone else about the asshat who didn't want to be on the show because of his name -- assuming you were memorable enough in your rant.

Another reason for the use of the legal first name is to prevent contestants from using less-than-savory nicknames.  "Well, you let 'Chris' use his nickname.  Why can't I be 'Stinky'?  That's what all my friends call me!"  

It all goes back to the if-I-do-it-for-one-person-I-have-to-do-it-for-everyone mentality, and while you and I could probably sit down and approve which nicknames are acceptable and which aren't, the staff doesn't have time to take calls every 10 minutes from a page asking if it's okay if Richard Hertz or Michael Hunt go by their nicknames.


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2005, 04:16:34 PM »
[quote name=\'SplitSecond\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 03:09 PM\']Another reason for the use of the legal first name is to prevent contestants from using less-than-savory nicknames.  "Well, you let 'Chris' use his nickname.  Why can't I be 'Stinky'?  That's what all my friends call me!" 
Oh please.
Give me a damn break.  I'm not surprised that someone would raise a ridiculously hypothetical situation.  If there's a person who can't see the reasonable difference between "Chris" and "Stinky", said person probably shouldn't be on the show either.
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2005, 04:23:23 PM »
[quote name=\'FOXSportsFan\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 01:01 PM\']And, all the more weirder you become.
And, again, I say, until you've been in those shoes (and James/Jim doesn't even come CLOSE, I'll have you know), then you making a judgment from a complete position of ignorance.

If it were an issue of Chris/Christopher, I wouldn't care one bit. It's not. A variant on a preferred name is one thing. A name that I flat out HAVE NEVER USED socially is not.
and some unpronounceable multisyllabic name that is a combination of any of the names I mentioned.
Okay. How about one that ISN'T? How about "Jerkweed"? Would you let them call you that for a car?

If you're willing to whore yourself out for that, great. All I'm asking for is a little respect in return. Why is that so unreasonable?
so in the end, you cater to them.
More horsecrap. Without contestants, they have no show. This is VERY MUCH a two-way transaction. I agree to be a contestant and give them the performance they want that makes for good TV, and in return, maybe I get a car, maybe I get a gumball machine, maybe I get a box of Rice-A-Roni. Sounds like I'm the one making all of the promises without getting any in return.

Sure they do it because it's simpler for them. It lessens the chance of that idiot fratboy (no, not all fratboys are idiots, but TPiR sure seems to get a lot of dumb ones) filling out the form wrong, and it lessens the chance of whoever they have handling the data entry that eventually gets submitted to the Gub'ment of screwing up something and having to untangle the mess later. And they have decided that simplifying the process is worth having to alienate (admittedly, a minority, but one I happen to be a part of) fans by telling them to screw if they don't like what they decide to call them. They're probably right, from a financial bottom-line standpoint, but just the same I have the right to think that's disrespectful and say so.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2005, 04:34:28 PM »
[quote name=\'SplitSecond\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 01:09 PM\']If you're kvetching to a page, they'll just shrug and politely tell you that they're only following orders.
...and I realize this.
If you're telling this to Stan and Scott out in line, you'll get a strange look and then they'll go backstage and laugh with everyone else about the asshat who didn't want to be on the show because of his name -- assuming you were memorable enough in your rant.
Rant? No. They would simply be told, politely, that if they could not provide me the courtesy of calling me by the name I wish to be called, then I did not wish to be a contestant. I'm not looking to make a scene. I simply wish to be respected as a person, the same way I would respect them. Golden Rule and all that.

Would everyone laugh? Yeah, except for Tom the junior staffer whose parents decided to give him the first name of "Egbert" because it's been in their family for a jillion years. He's not laughing. Well, maybe he is, for reasons of career advancement, but not on the inside.
another reason for the use of the legal first name is to prevent contestants from using less-than-savory nicknames.  "Well, you let 'Chris' use his nickname. 
Aha. Nickname. Again, a completely different kettle of fish. It's not a nickname, it is my given legal middle name. I can produce ID that proves this. My friggin' Social Security card has a "C" between the "Jon" and the "Lemon". I have ATM and credit cards made out to "Chris Lemon". It's totally verifiable.
the staff doesn't have time to take calls every 10 minutes from a page asking if it's okay if Richard Hertz or Michael Hunt go by their nicknames.
And I'm saying that you MAKE time to be considerate to people. There's a big difference between "My buddies call me "Giganto" because I'm big in the lap", and "I go by my middle name. See? Right here on my ID. Thanks."
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2005, 04:36:13 PM »
Some might argue the only whoring done around here is by you, but be that as it may, take a ritalin and calm down.  But, lemme play Lemon's advocate here, what is your first name anyway?  Is it something so abnormal that it would cause us to laugh hysterically at you?  Is it something worthy of The Name's the Same treatment?  

Robert Q: Let's welcome our next guest with an (in)famous name...and now let's show you his (in)famous name...

Audience: Who is DICK LEMON?!?

I mean, Chris I understand your points; don't think that I don't.  But, as much as you would like to be called Chris and I would like to be called Jim, realize that my chances of hosting CBS Price when Bob passes on to the land of Poppycock are better than a 33 season old institution accomodating nicknames or preferable names be it legal or not to make you or I or the homeless person outside the Chinese Theater in Hollywood happy.  

Hey, maybe not a hosting gig, maybe not announcing gig there for me either, but just gimme a few years and maybe...just maybe...I can be good enough to be a page : )
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 04:40:07 PM by FOXSportsFan »


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2005, 04:44:55 PM »
[quote name=\'FOXSportsFan\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 01:36 PM\']Some might argue the only whoring done around here is by you
But, lemme play Lemon's advocate here, what is your first name anyway?
My full birth name is Jon Christopher Lemon. Why is that relevant? My parents have called me Chris since the day I was born. It is the name I recognize, identify with, and answer to.
I mean, Chris I understand your points; don't think that I don't.  But, as much as you would like to be called Chris and I would like to be called Jim, realize that my chances of hosting CBS Price when Bob passes on to the land of Poppycock are better than a 33 season old institution accomodating nicknames or preferable names beit legal or not to make you or I or the homeless person outside the Chinese Theater in Hollywood happy. 
Again: huh?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 04:47:22 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2005, 04:48:54 PM »
Chris--that enraged rant is the greatest impression of "Nixon before the Saturday Night Massacre" I've ever seen!  You were even able to capture his desperation!

[quote name=\'FOXSportsFan\' date=\'Aug 22 2005, 04:36 PM\']Audience: Who is DICK LEMON?!?

I know who he is :)


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TPiL Roll Call: Atlantic City
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2005, 04:49:52 PM »
I love breaking things down for the wannabe smart types.

I asked about your name because if it was a name that was one that was really odd I can understand your gripe all the better.  Jon's a fine name, but if you have a problem with it, so be it.  It's America, you have the right to not like it.  You also have the right to go on Maury and find out if you're the father of an illegitmate child too in America, but that's completely off topic.

I understand your gripes, but Jon...errr Chris, they ain't-achanging.  They won't for you or anyone.  Don't go on the show, by the way you act with some comments, it could be all the better for the contestant pool.  Besides, Bob's already one ego too many for Studio 33 some might say.

Let's move on from this fast before Chris has an ulcer.  I know some of the folks here have been to both runs in Atlantic City.  Any real big differences between last year and this year aside from the change to a different showroom?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 04:51:45 PM by FOXSportsFan »