Yih, Ime uh dume, Kriss...boi tat wuz uh funi.
Yes, I make gaffes in spelling and sometimes I make errors in posts, be them grammatical or conceptual. But no one is immune from the trials and tribulations of life. Not me, not the other posters, not the moderators, and not you, okay? Okay.
The common courtesy aspect is what you wanna get to...okay. Well, they have the common courtesy to laugh at you and call you an assclown, Jonny, for being called by your middle name in lieu of your first name. Chris, I don't have the gripe with you...we actually are very similar in sarcastic and metaphoric natures in my opinion. But, sometimes you fight a cause that most people shrug their shoulders about.
In other words, of the people who have a gripe with it you're the minority of the minority. I'm willing to bet a lot of folks don't care about the name they get stuck on their tag, for better or for worse. So, thus you're in the minority. But, Chris, you're one of the few who would challenge the point and make it known you don't accept it, thus making you the minority of the minority. Because, while you champion a good cause, most others would just plain walk over to see Craig Ferguson.
Bottom Line, so you can editorialize: YOU'RE MAKING TOO MUCH OF IT!
BTW, on a lighter note, be glad you have a solid middle name like Christopher. Could be worse. Could be stuck with mine, Riley.
Hey here's a concept...let's get back to the better things about the show and the live show in general. Someone please get us off this tangent.