I thought of a charity Millionaire show too, since it would be a nice show of goodwill from the network. I had originally thought of a Celebrity Edition, but we all remember what happened with those during the original run, so on second thought that's probably not the greatest idea. On the other hand, another Champions Edition would probably be more exciting and true to the game format. I'd want to see the million & half million dollar winners from both the post-Champions Edition I network show and the syndicated show (starting with millionaires Bob House, Kim Hunt, David Goodman, Kevin Olmstead, Bernie Cullen, Ed Toutant, Kevin Smith, Nancy Christy, Bob-O Essig, and then adding random $500,000 winners).
One poster on another board suggested that there be an event like on the Australian show where previous big winners are paired up with celebrities. That might be fun if ABC isn't keen on doing another standard Champions Edition and wants the "celebrity factor" that Dancing with the Stars had.
To contact ABC & make a request, send an e-mail to netaudr@abc.com