I've always thought that they could do Clearance Sale without being a thinly veiled copy of Eazy Az 1-2-3. They could have the contestant match discounts to sale prices. I think it would go like this:
Barker: That dinette is not $1080. That motorcycle is not $500. That grandfather clock is not $2100. Those prizes are on sale. It's a clearance sale. You have to put the right discount on each prize. Here are the discount tags: 10% off, 25% off, 40% and 75%. (hands tags to contestant) Do be careful, because one tag doesn't belong with any prize. Go!
(contestant puts the 75% tag on the motorcycle, the 25% tag on the grandfather clock, and the 10% tag on the dinette, and goes back to Barker)
Barker: OK, what is the price of the motorcycle? (Rebecca lifts the tag) $2,000, so it must be 75% off, right? (another flip confirms it) I should hope so. What is the price of the clock, Gwendolyn? (she lifts the tag) $2,800, for a discount of...(another flip)...25%! Y'know, you just might have won this. If that dinette is 10% off at $1080, then all three prizes are yours. Rachel, what is the price of the dinette? (she lifts the tag) $1800. The discount is...(final flip)...40%. <buzz, losing horns> I'm sorry. (shakes contestant's hand) We'll have another game after this announcement.
Soooooo...Whaddya think? Too much math? Too long? Too hard? I think I posted this idea somewhere before, but I'm not sure.
Five bucks says that either Lemon or Howard makes a joke about "long and hard"!