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Author Topic: A little treat for "early color TV" fans...  (Read 6846 times)


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A little treat for "early color TV" fans...
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2005, 01:35:36 AM »
[quote name=\'joe_capitano\' date=\'Dec 5 2005, 08:22 PM\']Perhaps a year later, but what is believed to be the first major program to be produced on color videotape was the 1958 NBC special "An Evening with Fred Astaire". It's in the UCLA archives - though portions of the restored program were taken from a monochrome kinescope.

Actually, Joe, "An Evening..." is fine, and is in fact archived in both the 1958 original broadcast and 1959 rerun versions.  The subsequent 1959 followup special "Another Evening with Fred Astaire" is the one that has small patches of kinescopes inserted when the video signal was unrecoverable.

And for those who may be keeping score, the 3rd special, "Astaire Time" is blissfully all in one piece, and safely tucked away on the shelf.



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A little treat for "early color TV" fans...
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2005, 01:36:59 AM »
Man, that is shabby-ass lighting. Notice how Nipper and conetstant Vargo are practically in the dark. NBC couldn't shell out for a LIGHT METER?

Matt Ottinger

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A little treat for "early color TV" fans...
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2005, 11:00:38 AM »
[quote name=\'TwoInchQuad\' date=\'Dec 6 2005, 02:30 AM\']On the other hand, I actually ran across two other 35mm color slide shots of the set about six months ago, which were taken by a tourist who had attended one of the NBC shows.  As it happened, though, even the better of the two was rather grainy, so that may be why Matt never used the scan of it that I gave him.[/quote]
Well, "never" is a long time, and when I only do updates every three months or so, there's a lot of great stuff that I'm finding it hard to get to!  I just got a TPIR shot (b&w sadly) that I don't think is in Wostbrock's collection (yet), as well as a radio picture I can't identify.  Plus, of course, Tim Lones went and found me an entire Bill Cullen SERIES I didn't know about...

I'm very grateful for the finds you've sent me, and VERY impressed with this new shot.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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A little treat for "early color TV" fans...
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2005, 04:01:23 PM »
Well, I figured you were (as  usual) just very busy, Matt-- no offense meant regarding the BC site updates, which we all welcome!!  :^)

I do feel that I have to backtrack on one thing, though... after examining your color TPIR pic a little more closely, and doing a little more careful restoration on it, I actually think it **is** a color pic that was just badly color-separated, and then printed on coarse, porous newspaper stock.  It's possible it still may actually only be a tint job, but it's got some color subtleties in it that I would only expect to see in a true color shot.  So let's just say congrats to you for finding the first one!

I'll upload the restored version of it later on tonight...

« Last Edit: December 06, 2005, 04:02:11 PM by TwoInchQuad »


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A little treat for "early color TV" fans...
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2005, 07:50:41 PM »
...and here it is:


A little bit of "before and after"... just blowing away some of the dust, as it were.



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A little treat for "early color TV" fans...
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2005, 01:22:16 AM »
Excellent clean-up job.