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Author Topic: Deal Or No Deal  (Read 46063 times)

Kevin Prather

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #135 on: December 21, 2005, 07:18:25 PM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' date=\'Dec 21 2005, 02:57 PM\']Maybe they could do a "Who is the Banker?" home game for thirteen weeks, with the winner correctly guessing Don Trump.
You're fired.

Brig Bother

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #136 on: December 21, 2005, 08:50:53 PM »
Right, just saw a download of episode one.

I mean, it's alright, but it is very American i.e. loud, brash and frankly a bit charmless. It'd be nice if they treated you like an adult like in all the other versions (flashing the odds up is all well and good except they only ever seemed to do it when they were going box by box when anyone with merely a quarter of a brain could tell you what they were). Whilst watching other versions, I feel as though I have an investment in the player playing and I care how they do. I can't really say I feel the same here.

The current guise of the banker is a bit of an irritating halfway house between just flashing the figure up and having the host explain the consequences (like the Dutch and Aussie versions) and having some sort of character to rally against (it a skill to get the character of the banker across from one sided telephone conversations, but many versions can and do). I wish you'd do one well rather than try to do both and lose the pros of each.

Still, listing the previous offers is a reasonable idea (although given a decent host wouldn't be neccessary - only three figures matter: the highest offer to date, the last offer and the offer just made), and the spotlight falling on the chosen model and zoom in is quite a neat visual effect.

Overall: meh.


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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #137 on: December 21, 2005, 08:56:31 PM »
[quote name=\'Brig Bother\' date=\'Dec 22 2005, 02:50 AM\']Right, just saw a download of episode one.


Can you help me in getting that episode please?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2005, 08:56:42 PM by remlap »

Brandon Brooks

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #138 on: December 21, 2005, 09:46:36 PM »
[quote name=\'nbcburbank\' date=\'Dec 21 2005, 02:54 PM\']  I don't the average viewer notices, but YES they can be annoying. I noticed a bunch of them last night. Trump does the same thing on the Apprentice. Equally annoying.
I watched it with an "average" viewer, and she was rather annoyed with it.  It's getting much worse by the episode.  Howie's a good host... what's up with all the *&#$ing added commentary?

Brandon Brooks

Robert Hutchinson

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #139 on: December 21, 2005, 09:58:58 PM »
I assume Brandon is talking about tonight's (Wednesday's) show, and boy howdy, the ADR did indeed go into overdrive. I really don't get how anyone could think all of that is a good idea. There was one stretch of ADR dialogue that lasted about 20 seconds, and because this is also a Show of Many Edits, it was almost a game to show everything but Howie's mouth. "He's still talking about odds from the bottom of a barrel, oh wait, he's turning aroundCUT to grandma!" Most of what he's saying is not nearly vital enough to be this distracting, and if he's just miked that poorly in-studio and you're filling in what he was already saying, well, you should've fixed that before Hour Three.

And, hell, I'll mention a horrible visual edit, too. How do you cut from the contestant plainly holding the case, directly to Howie holding the case five feet away from him, and still have a job? Way to make the below-average viewer suspicious, NBC. Although I do applaud you on your desperate attempt at solving the unemployment problem.
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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #140 on: December 21, 2005, 10:15:01 PM »
[quote name=\'Robert Hutchinson\' date=\'Dec 21 2005, 09:58 PM\']I assume Brandon is talking about tonight's (Wednesday's) show, and boy howdy, the ADR did indeed go into overdrive. I really don't get how anyone could think all of that is a good idea. There was one stretch of ADR dialogue that lasted about 20 seconds, and because this is also a Show of Many Edits, it was almost a game to show everything but Howie's mouth. "He's still talking about odds from the bottom of a barrel, oh wait, he's turning aroundCUT to grandma!" Most of what he's saying is not nearly vital enough to be this distracting, and if he's just miked that poorly in-studio and you're filling in what he was already saying, well, you should've fixed that before Hour Three.

And, hell, I'll mention a horrible visual edit, too. How do you cut from the contestant plainly holding the case, directly to Howie holding the case five feet away from him, and still have a job? Way to make the below-average viewer suspicious, NBC. Although I do applaud you on your desperate attempt at solving the unemployment problem.

Oh, for the days of "live to tape".  ADR and bad editing suck.  What's worse, while the first 2 episodes had pop-up captions, the third had scroll captions, and even those didn't include some of Howie's ADR [looping].

Matt Ottinger

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #141 on: December 21, 2005, 10:34:28 PM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' date=\'Dec 21 2005, 02:36 AM\']Is no one bothered by Howie saying (something along the lines of) "the contestant wins whatsever in the case"?

Yeah, I had a problem with that too, but I was fighting my battles one at a time.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.

Matt Ottinger

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #142 on: December 21, 2005, 10:39:08 PM »
[quote name=\'nbcburbank\' date=\'Dec 21 2005, 03:54 PM\'][quote name=\'chris319\' date=\'Dec 21 2005, 10:58 AM\']ADR = Automatic Dialogue Replacement, or adding lines in post-production such as Howie saying "You have a bla-bla percent chance of winning bla-bla-bla".[/quote]
  I don't the average viewer notices, but YES they can be annoying. I noticed a bunch of them last night. Trump does the same thing on the Apprentice. Equally annoying.[/quote]
The average viewer may not understand why it's happening, and certainly not what it's called, but you'd have to be pretty tuned out and clueless not to hear it.

Put it this way:  Even YOU noticed it.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #143 on: December 22, 2005, 12:00:38 AM »
I've been trying to figure out whether The Banker's offers are arbitrary amounts, or if some kind of formula is being employed in terms of the dollar amounts remaining on the board. Any takers on this passably interesting question?

Speedy G

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #144 on: December 22, 2005, 01:05:06 AM »
[quote name=\'MrBuddwing\' date=\'Dec 22 2005, 01:00 AM\']I've been trying to figure out whether The Banker's offers are arbitrary amounts, or if some kind of formula is being employed in terms of the dollar amounts remaining on the board. Any takers on this passably interesting question?
Thus far, it seems like this version sticks pretty close to the average in the late rounds.  There is not any known exact formula as of yet, but at the very least, there's some sort of mathematical determination of a range of possible offers.  The "banker" can then consider a player's body language in that situation.

But he certainly doesn't roll a million-sided die and offer that much money.
Solar-powered flashlight, hour 4 of the Today show, the Purple Parrots.  *rips open envelope, blows into it*


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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #145 on: December 22, 2005, 01:38:22 AM »
This talk of editing with an Osterizer compels me to post Chris Clementson's Rule #2 of Game Show Directing:

With the exception of a reveal, you will seldom go wrong taking a shot of a contestant.
Note the emphasis on "With the exception of a reveal". When Howie says "Open the case", take a shot of the case. Not the family, not the contestant, not the scoreboard, not the cue card boy. The case. Lay the reaction shots/cutaways in BEFORE Howie finishes giving the reveal cue:



HOWIE: Open the case.


Chris Clementson's Rule #1 of Game Show Directing: Never miss a reveal. Did you get that, Bart? Here, let me turn up the volume for you, Bart: Never miss a reveal. That applies to directors named Mike, directors named Paul, directors named Andy, and directors named Bart.


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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #146 on: December 22, 2005, 04:25:06 AM »
I decided to also wait until getting a few eps on the dvr before putting my $.02 in.

It's certainly not perfect by any means.  The ADR is getting on my nerves, and the editing is mind-boggling.  

Not that I'm knocking Howie, I think that his performance has been WAY better than I have expected it.  I believe in the next cycle of eps, there will be a lot less ADR as Howie will hopefully know what to say and when to say it.  I may be the only one here that finds his commercial throws to be hilarious when it comes at a "suspensful" time in the game.

One of the things that I find refreshing (and that many here may think I am on crack for saying) is that I like when Howie strolls around "center stage" (for lack of a better term) during gameplay.  I feel this is not the type of show where the host needs to be holding the hand of the contestant for the entire game.

The contestant's families are annoying too...I don't need to see four other members of the contestant's family.  If I want to see five family members on a game show, I'll start DVR-ing Family Feud.  Just having the significant other and maybe one other person would suffice.  On a positive note though, I thought it was pure EVIL having Amy's children call in on the banker's phone, even though I don't think it would have made a difference because I think the outcome would have been the same.
With all the gripes, I still think the game is solid, I've been yelling at my tv like an idiot.  Moaning and groaning at the right spots upon certain reveals.  At my place, we try to guess the banker's offers, and we have a bit of fun with it.  

I don't think it will catch on like every other country in the world, but it may have a good run if it's not run into the ground and if the on-air product improves. And if all else fails, I'll port the shows over to DVD so that ten years from now I may be able to find someone desperate enough to trade DoND eps for some classic stuff.

That's my take

Don Howard

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #147 on: December 22, 2005, 10:07:51 AM »
[quote name=\'cool245\' date=\'Dec 22 2005, 09:11 AM\']I love this game I really hope someone wins $1 million on Deal or No Deal on NBC.
I really hope I get a blackjack for Christmas. Of course, if I do, then you'll see me on America's Most Wanted on FOX.
So, at your workplace has this show gotten any buzz from your co-workers? Y'know, water cooler talk? I work for a Radio/TV outlet and it's not on anyone's radar screen around here. WWTBAM, meanwhile, was the talk of the town during the late summer of 1999 in this building.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 10:08:49 AM by Don Howard »


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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #148 on: December 22, 2005, 10:16:16 AM »
I strongly suspect this five-day event won't be the last of the show that we'll see in the US.  Zap2It has an article showing solid ratings for the first two nights, and I read a second article over Yahoo! News showing a spike in viewership of some 2 million between the 1st half hour and the 2nd on Tuesday's show.  I'll post links later if anybody wants to see them.  Last night's show got my heart pounding a few times, and I got a few phone calls from others who were asking if I was watching.  

Yes, the ADR is VERY noticeable and annoying, but I have also seen Howie growing more comfortable with his new role, even at this early stage.  This show does have some growing to do, but since it has pretty good odds of returning at some point, let's hope that NBC doesn't make the same mistakes with it that ABC did when they overexposed WWTBAM.

Jay Temple

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Deal Or No Deal
« Reply #149 on: December 22, 2005, 11:22:55 AM »
I could live with the bad ADR, but if the phone call from the daughters is indicative of what's to come, I won't be tuning in again.  And by bad ADR, I mean that the sound quality was noticeably different from when he was on camera.
Protecting idiots from themselves just leads to more idiots.