[quote name=\'ChuckNet\' date=\'Aug 24 2003, 03:36 PM\'] Well, I'm glad they finally listened!
BTW, Mandel, I first suggested the "S-S-D-T, 300 wins" earlier this yr...does this warrant an onscreen credit for your old buddy? :-)
Chuck Donegan (The Self-Promoting "Chuckie Baby") [/quote]
No, but you're welcome to borrow my collection of safety pins if you need to deflate your ego for easy storage.

In seriousness, from what I've witnessed, the game runs much more smoothly. I have only one qualm.
The act structure is still such that the first two questions are in the first act (which Richard still lumps together as \"Round 1\", which still bugs me to a degree). I think the first two \"Single\" questions should be in their own first and second acts, then have the double question and both triple questions (if necessary) in Act 3. Splitting Fast Money over the last two acts is creative (and the new shot of the contestant in isolation is very cool), but it's going to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.
As a side note, that second triple question is in essence a standard question, but just with the \"top one answer\" on the board. I haven't seen it played out, but I'm hoping that they present it more as just a natural fifth round rather than a patched-on tiebreaker.
They're also changing the way they introduce the families so that it doesn't interrupt the flow of the game as much, which is a plus, in my opinion.