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Author Topic: Family Feud Scoring  (Read 5204 times)


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Family Feud Scoring
« on: February 17, 2006, 12:51:41 PM »
So I was watching the American version of Family Feud for once, and I noticed something that really bugged the crap out of me.

On a recent episode, the bank was stolen in the first round, but the value of the answer was NOT added to the score on the steal. However, during the third round (when the points are DOUBLED!!!) a family stole the bank, and the value of the bank was added to the point total?!?

Now waaaaait a minute!

One round the points are added, and the other, they are not. What exactly is the rule on this, because I'm confused...and this adds another reason why I do NOT watch the good ol' current American version of Family Feud.

100 Mexicanos Dijeron lives on forever! :*(
-Jason Hernandez; aka "Dimples"

Tomarken: "...somebody else could do this job!"

Rod Roddy: "Yes, I'm afraid that's true."

~Rod making a joke after Peter complains that it's Labor Day and he shouldn't be working on Press Your Luck.

Robert Hutchinson

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Family Feud Scoring
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2006, 03:03:18 AM »
A production error in the Double round, I'm sure. The rule is that "steal" points are never added.

(When I'm watching the American version of Family Feud, the thing that usually bugs the crap out of me about the Double round is when the scores are 163-0, and the answers on the board add up to about 55 points. But anyway.)

(I bet they have a name for it. Something like "load the Karn-can't-fill-time board". Digression!)
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Don Howard

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Family Feud Scoring
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2006, 08:31:08 AM »
[quote name=\'Robert Hutchinson\' date=\'Feb 18 2006, 03:03 AM\']I bet they have a name for it. Something like "load the Karn-can't-fill-time board".
Don't see why not. That's pretty close to what I call it. The big reason I liked three-round games a couple of years ago is that we got a healthy dose of that happenin' theme. Thanks to some of you who have that entire composition on your web sites, I can now fulfill my musical jones that way and watch FF for more game-play, more surveys and less filling. And that tastes great.