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Author Topic: Looks like no LMAD on NBC  (Read 2602 times)


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Looks like no LMAD on NBC
« on: August 25, 2003, 09:52:11 PM »
It looks like NBC is not going to air the two episodes of its revival of Let's Make a Deal.

  The schedule for this week has no mention of LMAD. With Labor Day coming, summer TV will finally come to an end and (therefore) the new TV season will begin shortly thereafter.

   It's too bad that we won't get to see it. Although the show was criticized by some at the beginning due to an adult-oriented deal on the first episode, it lost audience each week to American Idol.  I wonder if the contestants from the unaired shows will now get their prizes (a rule that was established after CBS' Winning Lines paid Efran Gonzalez $40,000 he won in an unaired episode in 2000).

   Start spreading the word?

   We want some more pro wrestling (STILL) and NASCAR questions!
Have yourself a round of sausage?